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How to Deal with Financial Infidelity: Next Steps and Solutions


Jan: Together we got the loan, and then at some point, I received an extension to increase that loan. Initially, I just applied for a small amount, just thinking this would be a good backup or an emergency fund scenario. And then when I got approved, I got approved for the entire loan amount, which was way more than I was honestly looking for.

And then I sat with a couple of days and then I was just thinking that this would help me redirect my career. I was just hoping that that would be able to get me back on track. I was thinking, “Okay, cool. I can use this to start some kind of a small business or use it to generate some income for the lifestyle that both Emily and I want.” And then I took it and then I didn’t tell Emily about it, and then it just became this snowball that I became ashamed of.

Emily: I found out we were already under contract and our lender was requesting some information about this small business loan. Again, when we took it out, it was at the beginning of COVID. Jan had lost his job, which we knew we’d be set up for the whole year. We were aware that we were set. And so when he lost his job, it was all on me. And I had just started a new job, which is all commission based. So we knew at that point, okay, right now I have enough money to pay off that loan if we need. So I knew that if we’re taking it, I have the ability to pay it back, but it would give us a little cushion still considering or thinking that COVID would be done faster.

And so when our lender called and said, “Hey, I need these documents,” it was like, days had gone by and Jan keeps most of our– he’s very organized. He has everything in files. Everything is there. So I was like, “Babe, just send her the stuff. It’s all good. Just send her the stuff.”

And after a few days of that, I noticed that his mood was getting really weird. He kept saying, “They keep asking us for stuff. They keep asking us for stuff.” And I was like, “We haven’t done anything wrong. Open book, send them all.” And eventually, he just said, “I need to tell you something. I made a mistake.” And we were already a week and a half or two weeks into the home-buying process already.

I was walking home and he said the number and I just immediately like– sorry. I just immediately was like, “Am I going to be one of those wives whose husband gambles away all of their money?” Everything that I thought I had that I had been saving for the last year, working and working and working towards the thing, I didn’t have enough money to pay back that loan.

Ramit: I’m really enjoying this conversation. Yes, Jan made a mistake, a really dumb one, but he’s owned up to it. And Emily has acknowledged what happened and she’s accepted it. She said she’s not concerned he’ll do it again. I know a lot of you want me to sit here and beat Jan up, but that’s not what this podcast is about.

Everybody makes mistakes with their money, and you will often see me surprisingly compassionate when somebody does not know how to start investing. I mean, 90% of the time the people on this show don’t even read my book. I’m not going to blame them. I’m here to help them.

Now, I do get mad when people don’t take responsibility for their actions. But Jan has. He’s acknowledged it. He’s making amends. And I applaud him for that. And I applaud his partner, Emily, for accepting that and being so candid. Now, I want to go deeper. Again, I’m not interested in beating him up, but I want to make sure he understands why he took that loan out because if he does, he can get to the root cause of his lie around money.

Aromatherapy for Summer Self-Care Routines – MOXĒ


by Jason McDermott

Summer is a wonderful time to focus on self-care. The warm weather and longer days provide the perfect backdrop for establishing healthy habits and routines. Aromatherapy, the use of essential oils for therapeutic benefits, is a great addition to your summer self-care regimen. These oils can enhance your mood, boost your energy, and help you relax.

Essential oils come from plants and have many uses. They can be used in a diffuser, added to a bath, or applied directly to the skin (with proper dilution). When you inhale the scents of these oils, they can help you feel more awake, calm, or happy. In summer, when the heat can sometimes make you feel tired or overwhelmed, aromatherapy can be particularly helpful.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of aromatherapy for summer self-care. You’ll learn how to incorporate essential oils into your morning routine, how they can give you a mid-day energy boost, and how they can help you relax in the evening. Let’s dive into the ways you can make the most of essential oils for a refreshing and soothing summer experience.

Benefits of Aromatherapy for Summer Self-Care

Aromatherapy offers several benefits, making it an excellent choice for summer self-care. Essential oils like lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus can help elevate your daily routine. The scents from these oils have the power to influence your emotions and overall well-being.

First, aromatherapy can boost your mood. Certain essential oils promote feelings of happiness and relaxation. For example, citrus oils like orange and lemon are known for their uplifting properties. They can help counter feelings of sluggishness or sadness on hot summer days.

Another benefit is stress relief. Life can be busy and overwhelming, but taking a moment to inhale calming scents can make a big difference. Oils like lavender and chamomile are great for reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of calm. They can help you unwind after a long day in the heat.

Lastly, aromatherapy can improve your physical health. Essential oils have natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Using oils in a diffuser can purify the air in your home, making it easier to breathe and reducing the risk of summer allergies. Additionally, applying diluted oils to your skin can soothe minor burns or insect bites.

How to Incorporate Essential Oils into Your Morning Routine

Starting your day with essential oils can set a positive tone for the rest of the day. Here are some easy ways to include aromatherapy in your morning routine:

  1. Morning Diffuser: Begin by adding a few drops of an uplifting essential oil to a diffuser. Scents like peppermint or citrus can energize you and help you wake up. Place the diffuser in your bathroom or kitchen to enjoy the aroma while you prepare for the day.
  1. Aromatherapy Shower: Use essential oils in your shower to create a spa-like experience. Add a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil to a corner of the shower. The steam will help the scent fill the space, providing an invigorating start to your morning.
  1. Skincare Routine: Incorporate essential oils into your skincare routine. Mix a few drops of tea tree or lavender oil with your moisturizer or facial serum. These oils will not only nourish your skin but also provide a refreshing scent.
  1. Morning Yoga or Meditation: Enhance your morning yoga or meditation with essential oils. Use a few drops of calming oil like sandalwood or frankincense on your yoga mat or around your meditation space. The soothing scent can help you focus and get centered before starting your day.

By adding these simple steps to your morning, you can enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy and start your day feeling refreshed and energized.

Mid-Day Pick-Me-Up: Using Energy Essential Oil

A mid-day slump is common, especially in the summer heat. Using Energy Essential Oil can be a great way to rejuvenate yourself and stay productive throughout the day. Here are a few simple methods to incorporate this invigorating oil into your routine:

  1. Diffuser: Add a few drops of Energy Essential Oil to a diffuser. Place the diffuser in your workspace or living room. The refreshing scent of peppermint and citrus can help clear your mind and boost your energy levels. This is particularly useful if you’re working from home or need a quick pick-me-up during your break.
  1. Topical Application: Apply diluted Energy Essential Oil to your wrists, temples, or behind your ears. This method allows the invigorating scent to stay with you as you go about your day. You can also mix it with a carrier oil and use it for a quick massage on your neck and shoulders to relieve tension.
  1. Portable Inhaler: Use a portable essential oil inhaler for on-the-go stimulation. These handy devices allow you to enjoy the benefits of Energy Essential Oil wherever you are. Simply take a deep breath whenever you need an energy boost.

By integrating these simple steps into your day, you can combat fatigue and maintain a high level of productivity and focus.

Evening Relaxation: Enhancing Your Mood with Happy Essential Oil

After a long day, winding down can be challenging. Happy Essential Oil is designed to help you relax and boost your mood in the evenings. Here’s how to make it a part of your evening routine:

  1. Diffuser: Add 3-5 drops of Happy Essential Oil to a diffuser in your bedroom or living area. The calming blend of bright and cheerful scents like bergamot and lemongrass can create a serene environment, making it easier to unwind and prepare for a restful night.
  1. Bath: Enhance your evening bath by adding a few drops of Happy Essential Oil to your bathwater. The warm water will help disperse the oil, filling the room with a soothing aroma. This can aid in relaxing both your body and mind, making it a perfect end to a busy day.
  1. Pillow Spray: Create a pillow spray by mixing a few drops of Happy Essential Oil with water in a spray bottle. Lightly mist your pillow before bed. The gentle aroma will help put you in a positive and calm state of mind, promoting better sleep and overall mood enhancement.

Using Happy Essential Oil in these ways can transform your evenings into a relaxing and joyful experience, preparing you for the next day.

Final Thoughts

Aromatherapy is a powerful tool for enhancing your summer self-care routines. By incorporating essential oils like Energy Essential Oil and Happy Essential Oil into your daily life, you can enjoy a range of benefits. From boosting your energy during the day to promoting relaxation at night, these oils offer simple yet effective ways to improve your overall well-being.

Starting your day with an invigorating scent can set a positive tone, while a mid-day energy boost keeps you productive. As the day winds down, soothing aromas can help you unwind and get a good night’s sleep. Each step of the day offers an opportunity to use aromatherapy to your advantage.

Ready to transform your summer self-care routine? Explore our full range of natural essential oil products at MOXĒ. Discover how our earth-friendly solutions can make a big difference in your daily life. Start your aromatherapy journey today with MOXĒ and feel the benefits of nature every day!

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People are giving up pets due to costs: How to keep those expenses down – WCPO 9 Cincinnati


People are giving up pets due to costs: How to keep those expenses down  WCPO 9 Cincinnati

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Fitness watches should stop treating dehydration and sweat loss as an afterthought


Smartwatches keep adding “life-saving” tech like fall detection, SOS calling, AFib warnings, and the latest Loss of Pulse feature on Pixel Watches, all to make you feel safe. But there’s a less flashy and more common concern that most watches treat as an afterthought: hydration tracking and sweat loss.

I’ve wanted better hydration tools on watches for a while, but last weekend’s report of 35-year-old runner Bobby Graves dying of cardiac arrest after finishing a Disneyland half marathon last weekend — a day after self-diagnosed heat exhaustion in 100ºF heat — brought it to the forefront of my mind.

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XPERSIS Professional USB Double Foil Shavers. Amazon, Walmart, Website

XPERSIS Professional double gold titanium foil shaver with Lithium battery
It delivers up to 1.5 hours of continuous run time for 30 minutes charging
Extra-close shave on the neck, face, and all around the hairline
USB Charging by laptop, car and home electric outlet
Great for travel
1 x USB cable, 1 x pouch, 1 x cleaning brush, 1 x instruction manual


L’Atalanta acquisisce Nicolò Zaniolo dal club turco Galatasaray – Global Legal Chronicle ITALIA


L’Atalanta acquisisce Nicolò Zaniolo dal club turco Galatasaray  Global Legal Chronicle ITALIA

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Palinsesti Nove 2024/2025: tra le novità l’One Milf Show di Valentina Persia –


Palinsesti Nove 2024/2025: tra le novità l’One Milf Show di Valentina Persia

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Review: Captain Enoch And Thrawn's Night Troopers – TVC – Builder Packs


It’s time to look at The Vintage Collection‘s Captain Enoch And Thrawn’s Night Troopers Builder Packs set, based on Star Wars: Ahsoka. Learn more in our Research Droids Reviews today. (more….)

Captain Enoch And Thrawn's Night Troopers

Thank you for reading Research Droids Reviews: Season 16!

The post Review: Captain Enoch And Thrawn's Night Troopers – TVC – Builder Packs appeared first on Jedi Temple Archives.

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My Dog Has a Sore Bum What Can I Put On It: Dog’s Sore Butt Signs


Dogs scooting across the floor may seem funny to some. However, as a responsible dog parent, scooting should signal something is wrong.

what to use on a dog's sore bum

Image by @karlyukav from FreePik

Scooting usually indicates that your dog might have an anal sac issue. 

The most common cause for scooting in dogs is impacted or inflamed anal glands. This causes discomfort and itchiness that can be partially relieved by a quick scoot across the carpet.

Dr. Chyrle Bonk

When your dog has an itchy bum, visiting the vet is always a good idea. This way, you can ensure that her itch is not due to a more serious illness or parasites.

However, sometimes you can’t reach the vet in time. Other times, you only want to soothe your puppy’s pain without leaving the house. So, we set up a guide on how to treat a sore bum on a dog, complete with solutions for what you can put on a puppy’s itchy bottom.

Read on to find out more about rectal itching in dogs and how you may treat it at home!

What kinds of bum problems do dogs get?

The pet can ride on the priest, itch, or whine because something irritates and worries him in the anus, perineum, or tail root. It can be dirt adhering to the coat, irritation after loose stools, or flea dermatitis. When you have examined the puppy and have not found an obvious reason for this behavior, contact the veterinary clinic. Causes of anal problems may include:

  • Problems with the dog’s anal glands
  • Vulva or vagina problems (in female dogs)
  • Infections
  • Rectal prolapse
  • Diarrhea
  • Allergic reactions
  • Inflammation of the rectum
  • Worms
  • Prostate problems (in male dogs)
  • Rectal wounds
  • Tumors
  • Skin fold dermatitis
  • Rectal prolapse

Most often, the main reasons that the dog rides on the floor are problems with the perianal glands, post-grooming dermatitis, and poor hygiene. Less commonly, this behavior occurs due to injuries and neoplasms in the anus, skin fold dermatitis, insect bites, and redirected itching.

What Are the Signs of Sore Bottom in Dogs?

Rectal itching is common in dogs and may happen several times throughout your furry friend’s life. As a pet parent, it is impossible not to notice your dog scooting across floors, grass, or even the pavement. This behavior is a clear sign that your pooch feels pain or discomfort in that area.

Other signs of a sore bum in dogs include:

  • Licking around the tail area.
  • Biting and scratching the area around the anus.
  • Often restlessness.
  • Irritability.
  • Lethargy and lack of appetite.

Sometimes, your dog may jump suddenly and look back at her rear end. This sudden shock can tell you a bit about the intensity of the itch. Simply put, anal itchiness may feel similar to an insect bite or tickle.

If your dog shows signs of a sore bottom very rarely and with at least five days in between, she might not have a serious problem. However, if her scooting and scratching is more frequent, you should ask your veterinarian.

In severe cases, anal sac infections can turn into ruptured anal glands or even anal sac tumors. Besides scooting, symptoms of an anal gland issue include:

  • A foul odor.
  • Constant diarrhea.
  • Blood in the stool.
  • An open wound around the anal area.
  • Protrusion of anal tissue.

Furthermore, you may notice that your dog is constantly whining or crying. She might also experience severe pain when sitting. So, if you see her avoiding that position, you should investigate her bum area and contact your veterinarian.

Anal gland impaction and Infection in Dogs

Some pet owners believe that their dogs scoot across the floor because they have worms. However, the canine experts at the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine might disagree.[1] They believe that every canine, from wolves to Chihuahuas, experiences anal gland dysfunctions at some point in their lives.

To know how to soothe your dog’s sore bum, you first must understand the anal gland function in dogs. This way, you will avoid giving it the wrong treatment or mistaking the issue for something completely different, such as parasitic worms.

READ MORE: How Long Can a Dog Go Without Pooping?

my dog has a sore bum

Photo by Chepté Cormani from Pexels

READ MORE: How Many Times a Day Should a Dog Poop? (Vet Advice)

What Are Dog Anal Glands?

Every dog has small glands on both sides of its anus. Also known as exocrine glands, these organs have special ducts in which they secrete and hold fluid until the dog defecates. Firstly, they do not use the bloodstream as a natural secretion flow. Secondly, they have to empty the secretions on each defecation.

According to the American Kennel Club, the healthy consistency of dog poop [2] should be compact but moist. That is to say; the stool should be wet enough to slide out naturally. But, it should also be firm enough to compress the anal gland ducts in order to release their liquid.

A dog’s stool also contains secretions from the anal glands. Furthermore, they contain plenty of information about the pup’s diet, health, and whether it has a sore bottom or not. For example, that’s why your pup sniffs other hounds’ stools at the dog park. In a way, she is following a millennia-old natural habit of checking on the health of other members of her “pack.”

Your dog may get a sore butt when her anal glands do not empty during defecation. This unfortunate event is also known as anal gland impaction because the ducts become “impacted.” Subsequently, the glands inflate and look like red, swelling bulbs on each side of the anus.

Anal gland impaction in dogs occurs when the anal glands can’t be naturally expressed. This may be due to a thickened secretion that can’t pass through the tiny gland ducts. Or it may be due to inflammation or blockage of the duct or duct opening itself that doesn’t allow for the passage of the anal gland secretions.

Dr. Chyrle Bonk

You may notice an overwhelming smell coming from your dog’s anus when her anal glands become impacted. For example, the odor is similar to rotten fish, and it is impossible to ignore.

How to Treat Anal Gland Infection in Dogs?

Anal gland impaction can lead to severe infections if you don’t tend to it in time. The anal glands may abscess and even rupture, leading to open, bloody wounds around the anus. Ruptured anal glands may require a surgical repair if severe enough.

At this point, a soothing cream wouldn’t do much to heal the impacted glands. Instead, you can manually express the dog’s anal glands to help squeeze the liquid out of them. Having the anal glands expressed should relieve the itch. However, this procedure is not guaranteed to work, and by doing it wrong, you may cause severe inflammation.

Most pet parents do not feel comfortable with expressing their dog’s anal glands. Instead, you can discuss the problem with your vet. In some cases, the vet will recommend antibiotics. Other times, you may find that natural remedies for itchy bottoms in dogs can be reliable solutions.

Anal Sac Risk Factors

According to PetMD, [3] dogs of all breeds can experience anal gland issues. However, large breeds are less likely to develop this condition. So, if you have a small breed dog, you need to monitor them regularly to reduce the risk of an itchy rear end.

The dog breeds most likely to develop anal gland impaction include:

  • Basset Hounds.
  • Beagles.
  • Chihuahuas.
  • Cocker Spaniels.
  • Lhasa Apsos.
  • Miniature and Toy Poodles (but not Standard Poodles).

Note that both female and male dogs have equal risks of experiencing a sore, itchy butt. But, dogs who suffer from other skin infections or hypothyroidism are more likely to develop anal gland impaction, regardless of their breed or gender.

Dogs can suffer from a sore bottom at any age. One of the risk factors is obesity. Overweight pups are more prone to a wide range of canine health problems, and anal gland impaction is one of them.

RELATED: How Often to Express Dog Anal Glands?

my dog has a sore bum what can i put on it

Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

How to Prevent Your Dog from Having an Itchy But

To better understand how to protect your dog from anal gland issues, we should take a closer look at what causes your puppy to have a sore bottom:

  • The anal sacs might be full and impacted or infected.
  • Allergies to food or fleas.
  • Constipation.
  • Bacterial infections.
  • Rectal tumors.
  • Ulcers and cracks in the skin around the anus.
  • Skin infections and irritations.
  • Tapeworms or ringworms.
  • Skin cuts from grooming.

As you can see, you can control some of these factors. For instance, you can ensure that you feed your dog a fiber-rich diet. This way, her stools will have the ideal consistency that prevents anal sacs from becoming impacted. Secondly, you can keep her free of fleas, and make sure that grooming takes place without any cuts or clips around the anal area.

You should ensure that your pup is always comfortable defecating. For example, you should avoid making her feel extra stressed when you go for the daily walk. Do not scare or rush her when she is ready to pass her stool. Also, guide her to a remote area of the park, where she feels safe and secure.

Finally, you can prevent your dog from getting an itching butt by helping her keep a trim figure. If your dog has an appropriate weight for her breed and size, she will be less likely to develop anal gland impaction. However, if she is fat, you should put her on a diet and challenge her to more exercise.

Natural Treatment for Itchy Bums in Dogs

If you see your dog scooting frequently, you should consider immediate action. Without knowing what causes her an itchy bottom, you may apply the wrong treatment. Furthermore, you risk making a mild condition worse.

Lift up her tail and inspect the area. If it looks red and pulsating, you might be dealing with an infection. Next, gently touch the area around the anus. If it is hard, the anal sacs might be full. As we mentioned above, you can try squeezing them yourself. However, if you do not have experience in this matter or you feel uncomfortable doing it, you should head to the vet.

After a careful examination, the vet may suggest oral medicine or ointments that you can put on your dog’s itching butt. As a result, your pup will get pain relief and again feel comfortable defecating.

READ MORE: Dog Licks Pus

Home Remedies for A Dog’s Sore Bottom

If your pooch sore bum is in the early stages of anal gland impaction, you can try to treat the problem at home. Try these easy methods for reducing the risk of anal sacs infection:

  • Increase fiber intake. Add fish oil and more fiber-rich ingredients to your dog’s daily food intake. For example, boiled carrots and pumpkin can improve the quality of her meals. Fiber will enhance the defecation rate and force your dog to pass stools more often. Therefore, her anal sacs will empty more frequently. Keep in mind that this method works only if you increase the fiber in your dog’s food gradually. If you add too much fiber at once, she might have an upset stomach or become constipated. As a result, the extra fiber might do more harm than good.
  • Increase water intake. With the increase in fiber, you should also consider giving your dog more water every day. Dehydration can lead to constipation and other difficulties defecating and thoroughly expressing their anal glands.
  • Use a warm compress. A dog’s anal sac can sometimes be expressed with the help of a warm compress. Soak a clean cloth in warm water and have your furry friend sit on it for roughly 10 minutes. Use gentle force to keep her in place. After that warm relief, your pup may find it easier to relax and empty the anal gland ducts on the next stool.
  • More exercise. Two things happen every time your dog exercises. Firstly, her digestion works faster, which makes her defecate more often. Secondly, her muscles tighten. As a result, she will assert more pressure on the anal sac to empty every time she passes a stool.

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what causes sore bottom in dogs

Image by @makistock from FreePik

What Cream Can I Put on My Dogs Sore Bum?

You can use ointments to treat your dog. But keep in mind that any ointment applied to a wound will often be licked by your pet. You need to prevent this because it can harm your pet.

  • Vaseline – If during defecation, the animal is very anxious, it cannot empty itself, but at the same time, stool masses are felt in the rectum, then you can help as follows: Administer vaseline oil rectally.
  • Germolene – It’s an antiseptic cream. It contains Chlorhexidine Digluconate and Phenol as active ingredients. You can use this to treat inflammation in a dog.
  • Savlon – Savlon antiseptic cream is not intended for an animal’s anal gland health. Veterinarians will be able to recommend a different antiseptic cream or ointment.
  • E45 cream – E45 products are intended to treat skin conditions in humans, so it is not recommended to use any E45 products on dogs.
  • Polysporin – It is not recommended to use this ointment for anal gland health. The veterinarian may prescribe other medicated creams or antibiotics depending on the severity of the condition.
  • Bepanthen – This ointment contains an antibiotic. People commonly use it to treat minor cuts or anal sac disease. It can be used to treat dogs.
  • Sudocrem – It can be used in small amounts on dogs’ anal gland problems. Sudocrem contains zinc oxide.


Below are vet-approved answers to pet owners whose pups have an itching butt, anal gland impaction, or an irritated bottom from a variety of causes!

What cream can I put on my dog’s sore bum?

Upon your veterinarian’s recommendation, you can use an anti-inflammatory cream or ointment to alleviate anal discomfort in dogs. Make sure that the treatment contains plant extracts, like Witch Hazel, which provides pain relief for anal gland infections.

How do you treat a sore butt on a dog?

An instant solution to treat a dog’s sore butt does not exist. The main treatment for a sore bottom is to find the cause behind it.

Depending on what causes your dog an itching bottom, you may have to change her diet, express her anal glands, treat her for worms or fleas, and apply creams and wet compresses to her bottom. Finally, she may even have to undergo surgery to resolve anal gland issues.

Why is my dog’s bum red and swollen?

Your dog’s bottom may become inflammed and swollen because of anal gland impaction. This condition occurs when the anal glands do not empty during defecation. As a result, the internal secretions inflate the anal sac, which may cause itchiness, tissue protrusion, and blood in the stool, among others.

Can I put Vaseline on my dog’s bum?

While Vaseline may have some anti-inflammatory properties, there is no proof that it can reduce inflammation in a dog’s anal sacs. Furthermore, you may find your dog licking it soon after you rub it on her rectum. It is always better to use medical remedies that the veterinarian has recommended.

What causes a sore bottom in dogs?

Every dog has two small glands just inside its anus. They secrete an internal fluid that comes out with the stool. However, when they fail to empty their secretions, these two glands swell up. As a result, the dog may feel discomfort and pain, which will cause her to scoot and lick or bite herself around the bottom area.

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Give Medicine to a Dog?

Final Notes

Your dog may experience an itchy bum at any point in her life. There are plenty of ways to prevent it by ensuring that she has a fiber-rich diet and enough exercise. However, when it finally happens, you should take immediate action. If the situation is not severe, you can try to relieve the pain at home. If the anal glands are already swollen, you should visit the vet.

Article Sources:

  1. Hoggan, Sarah. “Anal Sac Disease.” VetMed,
  2. Donovan, Liz. “How to Tell If Your Dog’s Poop Is Healthy – American Kennel Club.” American Kennel Club, 17 Sept. 2020,
  3. Dunn, T. J. Anal Gland Problems in Dogs (and Cats). 15 Feb. 2021,

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FHA Loans: The 100 Mile Rule


FHA loans are great for those with a lower down payment, less than perfect credit, a bankruptcy in the last 7 years, modest income, buying a 2–4-unit home, etc. However, an FHA loan may not be an option for many looking to add to their real estate portfolios, especially those looking to utilize the popular BRRRR method (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat).

The FHA’s 100 Mile Rule can make it impossible to obtain a new home with an FHA loan while converting your current residence into an investment property. The requirement states that a new primary residence must be 100 miles away from the old departure residence. So, if you plan to purchase a new home in your neighborhood or a nearby community, you will not qualify for an FHA loan. But, if you are moving more than 100 miles away to a new town or state for a job transfer or other reasons, FHA can still be a great option and allow you to keep and rent your current home.

If you are planning on staying local, you’ll likely want to look at other options, like a conventional loan. Be sure to work with a knowledgeable and professional lender so they can pre-approve you correctly. If you don’t, you may be under contract with thousands of dollars of earnest money at risk.