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10 errori da evitare nella cura dei capelli grassi: suggerimenti per una routine efficace – Mrs. Noone di Carmen Vecchio


Gestire i capelli grassi può non sempre risultare facile, ma esistono piccoli accorgimenti in grado di semplificarne la cura. Molte volte la radice di tutto non sta solo nella natura dei nostri capelli, ma anche nelle abitudini che adottiamo nella nostra routine. Vediamo quindi quali sono le 10 abitudini che dovresti allontanare per prenderti cura in modo corretto della tua chioma.

  1. Scegliere i prodotti sbagliati

La scelta dei prodotti per capelli non va mai sottovalutata e nel caso dei capelli grassi l’attenzione che dovresti prestare è ancora maggiore. Non tutti i cosmetici di hair care sono uguali ed indicati per questo tipo di chioma: prenditene cura con uno shampoo per capelli grassi ed evita prodotti troppo aggressivi o schiumosi che possono appesantire ulteriormente i tuoi capelli o incrementare la produzione di sebo.

  1. Lavare i capelli con acqua calda

Lavare i capelli con acqua calda può sembrare piacevole, ma è una delle principali cause di capelli grassi. L’acqua calda, infatti, stimola le ghiandole sebacee a produrre più sebo, per questo dovresti prediligere acqua tiepida o fresca, che aiuta a chiudere le cuticole e a mantenere i capelli meno oleosi.

  1. Lavare i capelli troppo spesso

Se hai i capelli grassi, probabilmente tendi a lavarli di continuo perché non sopporti la sensazione di pesantezza sul cuoio capelluto. In realtà, però, eccessivi lavaggi possono rimuovere gli oli naturali, portando le ghiandole sebacee a produrre più sebo per compensare. La soluzione? Prova a limitare i lavaggi a due/tre volte a settimana e utilizza uno shampoo delicato pensato per capelli grassi.

  1. Massaggiare troppo la cute

Massaggiare il cuoio capelluto durante il lavaggio è importante, ma farlo troppo energicamente può stimolare la produzione di sebo. Procedi quindi delicatamente con i polpastrelli, senza strofinare e grattare, per evitare di irritare il cuoio capelluto.

  1. Usare pettini e spazzole a denti stretti

Pettini e spazzole a denti stretti possono danneggiare i capelli e stimolare ulteriormente la produzione di sebo. Scegli strumenti con denti larghi e spazzole morbide per ridurre lo stress sul cuoio capelluto e mantenere i capelli puliti più a lungo.

  1. Asciugare i capelli ad alte temperature

L’uso del phon ad alte temperature può seccare i capelli e il cuoio capelluto, causando una produzione maggiore di sebo come reazione di difesa. Prova ad asciugare i capelli a media temperatura o, ancora meglio, lascia che si asciughino all’aria quando possibile.

  1. Esagerare con lo shampoo secco

Lo shampoo secco può essere un alleato in situazioni di emergenza, ma usato troppo spesso può accumularsi sul cuoio capelluto e ostruire i pori. Utilizzalo con moderazione e assicurati di lavare i capelli regolarmente per eliminarne i residui.

  1. Esagerare con il balsamo

Anche se hai capelli grassi puoi applicare il balsamo per renderli morbidi e lucenti, curando a fondo le lunghezze. Assicurati però di usarlo nella quantità adeguata, solo sulle punte e di scegliere un prodotto leggero e specifico per capelli grassi.

  1. Sottovalutare l’uso delle maschere

Sfatiamo il mito secondo cui le maschere non sono adatte a questa tipologia di capello. Esistono maschere specifiche per capelli grassi che aiutano a regolare la produzione di sebo e a mantenere il cuoio capelluto equilibrato, purificandolo a fondo. Inizia provando ad utilizzarle almeno una volta a settimana e vedrai da subito i vantaggi.

  1. Toccare i capelli in continuazione

Toccare i capelli frequentemente può sporcare la chioma, rendendola più grassa. Cerca di evitare di passare continuamente le dita tra i capelli o, se può essere d’aiuto, legali per ridurre la tentazione di farlo.

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Anthony Cacace-Josh Warrington goes ahead as non-title bout


THIS Saturday’s super-featherweight bout between Anthony Cacace and Josh Warrington will not be for the IBF world title.

Instead Cacace and Warrington will fight in a non-title bout but there will be repercussions for the champion should he lose. If Warrington does earn his 32nd career win then the belt which Cacace won against Joe Cordina will become vacant. Should Cacace triumph then he must fight mandatory challenger Eduardo Nunez by March 20, 2025.

The fighters are scheduled to meet at Wembley Stadium on Saturday as part of a sturdy undercard to the main event between Anthony Joshua and Daniel Dubois. There had already been doubt, however, as to whether Cacace would be allowed to defend his world title against his opponent. The Daily Star’s Chris McKenna reported yesterday that the governing body were yet to confirm Warrington as a challenger ‘because he has not fought in the 9st 4lb division in over a decade and has never been ranked’.

Today, the IBF made their ruling reiterating that Nunez had stepped aside to allow Cacace and Warrington to take place.

Cacace upset the odds in May to stop Joe Cordina in eight rounds meanwhile Warrington is coming off a seventh round stoppage defeat to Leigh Wood, his second consecutive defeat.

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Adjustable Rate Mortgages in Today’s Environment


The term Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs) may carry a sense of apprehension for potential homebuyers. However, ARMs are some of the best loan products in today’s current environment, specifically for Jumbo Loans (defined as a loan greater than $684,250 throughout most of the United States).

What is an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage?

An ARM is a loan product with a fixed rate for the first “X” years of the mortgage and adjusts periodically throughout the remainder of the loan term. Typical ARM lengths range from 3, 5, 7, or 10 years with a 6-month adjustment period throughout the duration of the term dependent on the current market rates. Many borrowers avoid ARMs due to the uncertainty of future cash flow when the fixed period terminates. That said, in today’s residential lending environment risk is mitigated given the future opportunity to refinance before the fixed-rate portion of the loan expires.

Economic Trends

Many economists and financial analysts believe we are experiencing a pattern today that has been experienced several times throughout the past 50 years. Interest rates have risen significantly and quickly, in large part due to increasing inflation. As such, the Federal Reserve has begun to increase the Fed Funds Rate and forecasts similar activity throughout the remainder of 2022 to help curb inflation. Historically, this results in slowing down the economy and leads to a recession. History has a way of repeating itself, and EVERY SINGLE TIME the United States has entered a recession in the past 50 years, interest rates have come back down.

ARM Advantages

Adjustable Rate Mortgages are typically more favorable in the initial fixed period compared to other loan products. In other words, a consumer can obtain a significantly lower rate for a few years with no extra money out of pocket, knowing there’s the option to refinance as the initial portion of the loan approaches maturity. At this time, another ARM product or a fixed-rate mortgage may be more attractive.


It’s important to consult an experienced loan professional well-versed in all lending opportunities in order to build home ownership wealth. Exploring a variety of loan products before deciding will ensure success in achieving both short and long term financial goals.

6 Unbelievable Traits That Make Tradescantia Unique


Tradescantia, also known as spiderwort or inch plant, is a common sight in gardens and homes around the world. Its popularity is largely due to its ease of cultivation and visually striking presence.

Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

However, aside from its well-known image, Tradescantia possesses a collection of special qualities that set it apart from other plants.

Tradescantia possesses several extraordinary qualities that make it a remarkable species in the plant kingdom. From its resilience to its versatility, this plant amazes casual gardeners and plant experts alike. Let’s explore six unbelievable traits that make Tradescantia stand out.

1) Historical Significance

Tradescantia has a rich history in botany and horticulture. The plant was introduced to Europe in the 17th century as an ornamental species. This introduction marked a significant moment in botanical exploration.

A lush green potted vine plant with variegated leaves indoors near a staircase with terracotta tiles.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

The plant’s arrival in Europe showcased the growing interest in exotic flora during that time. Botanists and plant enthusiasts were eager to study and cultivate new species from the Americas.

Tradescantia quickly gained popularity for its unique appearance and ease of growth. Its spread across Europe highlights the plant’s adaptability and appeal to gardeners and researchers alike.

The genus Tradescantia was named after John Tradescant, an English naturalist and gardener. This naming reflects the plant’s importance in botanical circles and its role in advancing horticultural knowledge.

2) Chromosomal Interest of Tradescantia

Species of Tradescantia have distinct chromosomal features that intrigue scientists, making them excellent subjects for genetic research.

Purple houseplant in a marble pot on a stand.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @pungkypurnamayanti

These plants illustrate evolutionary changes in both the structure and number of chromosomes, drawing particular interest from those who study cell genetics.

The chromosomes found in Tradescantia cells demonstrate uncommon splitting behaviors, starting with the formation of axial vacuoles that evolve into openings in the chromatin thread.

Similar observations have been made in both Tradescantia and Vicia species, showcasing this interesting phenomenon.

In Tradescantia virginiana, for instance, researchers have identified a variety of chromosome types, including subterminal, small submetacentric, and telocentric chromosomes.

These different configurations offer valuable insights into the genetics and evolution of plants. The unique chromosomal characteristics of Tradescantia make them an ideal material for research into genetic mutations and the evolutionary progression of plants.

Through the study of these plants, scientists gain a deeper understanding of how chromosomes evolve over time and how these evolutionary changes influence plant traits.

3) Bioindicator Abilities of Tradescantia

Tradescantia plants have a unique talent that sets them apart from many other houseplants. Some species can act as bioindicators for environmental mutagens.

Variegated pink and green houseplant leaves.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @pct

This means they can detect harmful changes in their surroundings. Scientists use these plants to check for pollution and other environmental issues.

The plant’s cells change in visible ways when exposed to certain toxins. This makes Tradescantia a valuable tool for monitoring air and soil quality.

Researchers often use Tradescantia in studies about environmental health. The plant’s sensitivity to mutagens helps scientists spot potential problems early on.

This special ability of Tradescantia shows how important plants can be for science. It also highlights the need to protect and study different plant species.

4) Cultural and Mythological References

Tradescantia plants have interesting cultural connections. One common name for some species is “wandering Jew.” This name comes from a Christian legend, though it’s now seen as controversial.

Variegated green leaves of a houseplant.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @pct

The myth tells of a man who taunted Jesus and was cursed to wander the Earth. This story became linked to the trailing nature of certain Tradescantia plants.

Today, many people avoid using this name due to its potentially offensive nature. Instead, they opt for names like “wandering dude” or simply use the scientific name Tradescantia.

This shift shows how plant names can reflect changing cultural attitudes. It also highlights the importance of being mindful when using common plant names.

5) Unique Floral Characteristics of Tradescantia

Tradescantia flowers have some unusual features. They typically have three petals in blue, purple, or white. These petals form a triangular shape when fully open.

The blooms are known for their short lifespan. Each flower usually lasts only one day. This brief display adds an interesting element to the plant’s appeal.

Tradescantia flowers also have distinctive stamens. These male parts of the flower are covered in fine hairs. The hairs give the stamens a fuzzy appearance.

Many Tradescantia species produce flowers throughout the growing season. This extended blooming period provides ongoing visual interest. The plants often have multiple flowers open at once, creating a colorful display.

6) Tradescantia and Variegated Foliage

Tradescantia plants are known for their striking variegated foliage. Many varieties display leaves with beautiful patterns of green, white, and purple stripes.

Vibrant pink and green potted plant on table.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @plantgazing

One popular type is Tradescantia zebrina. Its leaves have bold green and silver stripes with purple undersides. This creates a stunning visual effect as the plant grows.

The variegated leaves of Tradescantia make it a versatile choice for gardeners. These plants add color and interest to both indoor and outdoor spaces.

Some Tradescantia varieties have leaves with pink or burgundy tones. This gives gardeners even more options for creating eye-catching plant displays.

Origins and History

Tradescantia plants have a rich history dating back centuries. These plants were first found in the Americas and later spread around the world.

Discovery and Naming

Tradescantia was discovered in North and South America. The genus got its name from John Tradescant, an English naturalist and gardener. He lived in the 17th century and played a key role in bringing these plants to Europe.

There are about 75 species in the Tradescantia genus. They belong to the Commelinaceae family. These plants grow wild in many parts of the Americas, from Canada to Argentina.

Tradescantia plants have many common names. Some popular ones are:

Cultural Significance

Tradescantia plants have been important in various cultures for a long time. Native American tribes used some species for food and medicine.

In modern times, Tradescantia has become a popular houseplant worldwide. People love it for its colorful leaves and easy care. The plant’s ability to grow quickly and adapt to different settings has made it a favorite among gardeners.

Some Tradescantia species have played a role in scientific research. They have been used to study plant genetics and cell biology.

Physical Characteristics

Tradescantia plants have eye-catching features that set them apart from other houseplants. Their leaves, growth patterns, and flowers make them unique additions to any indoor space.

Leaf Patterns and Colors

Tradescantia leaves come in a wide range of stunning patterns and colors. Many varieties have striped leaves in purple and silver, creating a striking visual effect. Some types feature green leaves with white or pink stripes.

The ‘Tricolor’ variety displays a mix of green, white, and pink on its foliage. This colorful blend makes it a popular choice for plant enthusiasts.

Leaf shapes vary among Tradescantia species. Some have long, thin leaves, while others boast wider, more rounded foliage. The diversity in leaf appearance adds to the plant’s appeal.

Growth Habits

Tradescantia plants are known for their trailing growth habit. They form cascading vines that can reach several feet in length. This makes them perfect for hanging baskets or climbing plants.

Some varieties, like the Tradescantia sillamontana, have a more compact growth pattern. These types form dense, bushy clumps instead of long trailing vines.

Close-up of fuzzy green leaves with small pink flowers beginning to bloom.Pin
Photo Credit: PCT @PlantCareToday

Tradescantia plants grow quickly under the right conditions. They can easily fill out a pot or spread as ground cover in outdoor gardens.

Flowering Traits

While Tradescantia are mainly grown for their foliage, many species produce small, delicate flowers. These blooms typically have three petals and come in shades of purple, pink, or white.

The Virginia spiderwort is known for its blue to purple flowers. These blossoms open in the morning and close by afternoon, creating a daily show of color.

Flowering usually occurs in spring and summer. The blooms, though small, add a touch of elegance to the plant’s already attractive foliage.

Botanical Importance

Tradescantia plants offer significant value to ecosystems and human health. These versatile plants contribute to air quality and have potential medicinal applications.

Environmental Benefits

Tradescantia plants are excellent air purifiers. They can remove harmful toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from indoor air. This makes them valuable for improving air quality in homes and offices.

These plants also help increase humidity levels. Higher humidity can reduce respiratory issues and improve overall comfort in dry environments.

Tradescantia species are often used in erosion control. Their fast-growing nature and ability to spread quickly make them effective at stabilizing soil on slopes and hillsides.

Some Tradescantia varieties are useful as groundcover in gardens. They can suppress weed growth and retain soil moisture, reducing the need for frequent watering.

Medicinal Uses

Tradescantia plants have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Some species are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.

The leaves of certain Tradescantia varieties are used to make poultices. These are applied to cuts, burns, and insect bites to promote healing.

Some indigenous cultures use Tradescantia in teas or infusions. These preparations are thought to help with digestive issues and respiratory problems.

Research is ongoing to explore the potential of Tradescantia in modern medicine. Scientists are studying their compounds for possible use in new treatments.

However, note that the medicinal use of Tradescantia should only be done under professional guidance. Some species can cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tradescantia plants possess unique traits that set them apart from other houseplants. These traits include distinctive leaf patterns, medicinal uses, and cultural significance.

What unique attributes distinguish Tradescantia plants from other houseplants?

Tradescantia plants stand out due to their trailing growth habit and colorful foliage. They adapt well to various indoor environments and can be used as ground cover or in hanging baskets.

Their fast growth rate and easy propagation make them popular among plant enthusiasts.

How do the leaves of Tradescantia species display distinct coloration patterns?

Tradescantia leaves often show striking color combinations. For example, Tradescantia zebrina has purple and silver-striped leaves.

Other varieties may display green, pink, or white variegation. These patterns can change based on light exposure and care conditions.

Can Tradescantia plants be used for medicinal purposes, and if so, what are they?

Some Tradescantia species have been used in traditional medicine. Native American tribes used certain species to treat digestive issues and skin conditions.

More research is needed to verify these medicinal properties and their effectiveness in modern treatments.

What is the significance of the Tradescantia genus in botanical taxonomy?

The Tradescantia genus is important in plant classification. It belongs to the Commelinaceae family and includes about 75 species.

Tradescantia plants have been used in genetic studies due to their unique chromosomal characteristics.

How does one properly care for a Tradescantia plant with variegated foliage?

Variegated Tradescantia plants need bright, indirect light to maintain their colorful patterns. They thrive in well-draining soil and prefer moderate watering.

Regular pruning helps maintain their shape and promotes fuller growth. Fertilize monthly during the growing season for best results.

What symbolism is associated with the Tradescantia, also known as spiderwort?

In some cultures, Tradescantia symbolizes love and affection. The common name “spiderwort” comes from the plant’s tendency to produce threadlike sap when cut.

Some believe these plants bring good luck and positive energy to a home.


Tradescantia plants stand out with six remarkable traits. These include their tough nature, fast growth, and ability to thrive in many settings.

  • Their colorful leaves and stems catch the eye. Plus, they clean the air well. And they’re easy to grow from cuttings.
  • These traits make Tradescantia more than just a pretty plant. They’re popular in homes and gardens worldwide.
  • Scientists study them to learn about plant growth and genetics.
  • Tradescantia plants are complex and beautiful. They’re not just simple greenery.
  • Look closely at their striped leaves and tiny flowers. Notice how they grow and change.
  • These plants have much to teach us about nature.
  • Next time you see a Tradescantia, take a moment to marvel.
  • Think about its unique features and how it thrives.
  • These plants show us the wonders of the plant world in our own homes and gardens.

People Who Never Move Forward in Life Usually Display These 10 Signs of Behavior


We all want to grow, achieve our goals, and live fulfilling lives. However, for some people, personal progress remains elusive. They find themselves stuck, unable to break free from patterns that keep them from reaching their full potential. After digging into psychology and behavioral science research, we’ve identified ten common signs that someone might struggle to move their life forward. By understanding these behaviors, we can make changes and start making progress.

1. Change Feels Impossible

For people with difficulty moving forward, change often feels like an insurmountable obstacle. Trying something new brings up intense feelings of stress and anxiety. Leaving their comfort zone seems overwhelming and threatening, even if their present situation isn’t great.

To get unstuck, gradually push the boundaries of what feels comfortable. Start with small changes and build up to bigger ones. Look for opportunities to try new things in low-stakes situations. Over time, embracing change will start to feel more natural.

2. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

Procrastination is another common thread for people who feel stuck in life. They have things they want to do or know they should do, but they never quite get started. There’s always a reason to put it off until tomorrow, next week, or someday.

Often, procrastination is a way to avoid confronting a fear of failure or not being good enough. Breaking big, intimidating goals down into smaller, more manageable pieces helps. Set deadlines and find an accountability partner to keep on track.

3. The Inner Critic Is Loudest

That little voice in your head saying you can’t do it? People who struggle to move forward tend to have that voice up to maximum volume. They engage in negative self-talk, always focusing on their perceived weaknesses and failures.

Learning to notice and question negative self-talk is essential to getting unstuck. Challenge those critical thoughts – look for evidence that they’re not true. Practice replacing them with more balanced, realistic thoughts. Changing that inner dialogue takes time and effort, but it’s worth it.

4. Goals? What Goals?

People who feel stuck often struggle to identify and pursue clear goals. Without a specific destination, it’s impossible to map out the steps to get there. They might have vague ideas about wanting something different but no concrete plans to make it happen.

The most effective goals are specific and measurable, with a defined timeline. Writing them down and breaking them into smaller action steps makes them feel more natural and attainable. Identifying meaningful goals and committing to working towards them, little by little, can be incredibly motivating.

5. Failure Isn’t an Option

For some people, failure is the ultimate boogeyman. They’re so afraid of messing up that they don’t even try. They play it safe, sticking to what they know because the possibility of failing feels catastrophic.

Changing your relationship to failure is all about perspective. Instead of seeing it as proof that you’re not good enough, try seeing it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Embrace challenges as chances to get better, not as threats to avoid.

6. Where Does the Time Go?

Time management is a constant challenge, but for people who feel stuck, it can feel like time has a mind of its own. They’re always running behind, struggling to keep up with a never-ending to-do list. Deadlines come and go, and they’re unsure where the day went.

Effective time management is a skill, and like any skill, it takes practice. It’s crucial to start with a clear picture of what needs to be done and how long each task will take. From there, it’s about prioritizing what’s important, learning to say no, and staying focused.

7. Learning Stops at Graduation

For those stuck in the education mindset of their youth, learning ends with a degree or completion of formal schooling. Once they get the diploma or certificate, they settle into a routine and stop actively seeking new knowledge and skills.

Embracing a growth mindset and committing to continual learning can open new pathways and create new opportunities. It keeps us engaged, challenged, and moving forward.

8. I don’t believe that It’s My Fault

When things don’t go according to plan, it’s tempting to point the finger elsewhere. People who struggle to advance often have a habit of externalizing blame—it’s the economy, it’s their unsupportive family, or it’s just bad luck.

When we take ownership of our lives, even those that feel out of control, we reclaim the power to shape our path.

9. You Are the Company You Keep

The people we surround ourselves with significantly impact our mindset and behaviors. If your social circle is full of negative influences—people who constantly criticize, complain, and shoot down your dreams—it’s going to wear off on you.

Look at your relationships and consider whether they’re helping you grow or holding you back. Seek mentors and peers who embody the qualities and lifestyle you aspire to.

10. Living on Autopilot

Finally, people who feel stuck in life often lack self-reflection. They go through the motions, living reactively instead of proactively. They don’t take time to pause, tune into themselves, and ask the big questions about what they want out of life.

Without that self-awareness, it’s easy to get trapped in patterns that don’t serve you. You keep banging your head against the same challenges because you haven’t stopped to consider if there might be a better way.

Case Study: Reagan’s Journey From Stagnation to Success

Reagan, an aspiring entrepreneur, had always dreamed of starting her own business. However, despite her passion and ideas, she was in a cycle of procrastination and self-doubt. Reagan would spend hours researching potential business strategies but never took action, always finding reasons to delay taking the first step.

Recognizing that her fear of failure was holding her back, Reagan sought guidance from a mentor. Through their discussions, she realized that her negative self-talk and resistance to change prevented her from achieving her goals. Reagan’s mentor encouraged her to break down her business plan into smaller, manageable tasks and to view failures as learning opportunities.

Inspired by this new perspective, Reagan began to tackle her goals one step at a time. Despite her initial discomfort, she started by attending networking events and reaching out to potential clients. As she gained confidence and experience, Reagan found that her self-doubt began dissipating, and she could steadily progress toward launching her business.

Today, Reagan is the proud owner of a thriving small business. She attributes her success to her willingness to embrace change, learn from her mistakes, and surround herself with supportive individuals who encourage her growth. Reagan’s story is a testament to the power of overcoming personal obstacles and the importance of seeking guidance and support to pursue one’s dreams.

Key Takeaways

  • Change can be intimidating, but gradually pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone can help you embrace it and move forward.
  • Chronic procrastination often stems from a fear of failure and can lead to decreased success and life satisfaction.
  • Negative self-talk can hold you back, causing you to underestimate your abilities and miss opportunities.
  • Setting specific, measurable goals with a defined timeline and breaking them down into smaller action steps can help you progress.
  • Embracing failure as a learning opportunity rather than a catastrophe is essential for personal growth.
  • Effective time management involves prioritizing essential tasks, learning to say no, and staying focused.
  • Committing to lifelong learning and seeking opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills can open new pathways.
  • Taking responsibility for your choices and actions, rather than externalizing blame, empowers you to shape your path.
  • Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive, and growth-oriented people can help you stay motivated and inspired.
  • Regular self-reflection allows you to identify patterns that are not serving you and make intentional choices that are aligned with your goals and values.


Building a habit of regular self-reflection, whether that’s through journaling, meditation, therapy, or just quiet contemplation, can help you get clear on what’s working and what’s not. It allows you to course-correct as needed and make intentional choices aligned with your values and goals.

The journey of growth and self-actualization is never over. By staying curious, continuing to challenge ourselves, and refusing to settle for less, we can keep moving forward, one step at a time. If you recognize some of these stuck patterns in yourself, know that change is possible. With self-compassion, commitment, and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone, you can get unstuck and create the life you want.

New bill would require Army to use state crisis intervention laws to remove weapons of service members who are deemed to be serious threat to themselves or others


A bill that’s being introduced Monday after a mass shooting in Maine would require the Army to use state crisis intervention laws to remove the weapons of a service member who is deemed to be a serious threat to themselves or others, said U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, the bill’s sponsor.

The Armed Forces Crisis Intervention Notification Act is aimed at addressing missed opportunities by the military and civilian law enforcement to intervene before an Army reservist who had spiraled into psychosis opened fire at two locations in Lewiston, Maine, killing 18 people and injuring 13 others on Oct. 25, 2023.

“We have a chance to help service members in crisis. We have a chance to help protect our neighbors and families. We have a chance to save lives,” Collins said in a statement. Maine’s other senator, independent Angus King, is a co-sponsor of the bill.

This bill seeks to ensure communication between state agencies and military service branches after criticism that the Army wasn’t as forthcoming as it could’ve been with state law enforcement officials about the gunman, 40-year-old Robert Card, before the shooting rampage.

It requires the military to participate in state crisis actions, including so-called red flag or yellow flag laws aimed at removing weapons from someone who’s experiencing a psychiatric emergency.

Law enforcement officials had known about Card’s growing paranoia, and Card had been hospitalized last summer while his reserve unit was training in New York state. Health care providers who assessed him said he was psychotic and had a hit list, and recommended that he not have access to weapons.

Military officials restricted Card’s access to military weapons but Card still had access to privately owned weapons at his home in Bowdoin, Maine.

The Sagadahoc County Sheriff’s Office was asked to go to Card’s home and check on his well-being after he’d threatened to “shoot up” the home of his Army Reserve unit, but the deputies were unaware of details about what happened in New York state or the extent of his mental health crisis.

​This bill wouldn’t affect the military’s existing authority to disarm service members in a broad range of situations, Collins said. Instead, the bill aims to eliminate a gap in communication between military and civilian law enforcement that could’ve prevented the tragedy in Maine.

“We cannot bring back our friends and family members we lost last October, but we can take steps to fix the cracks in the system that led to the tragedy,” King added.

  • End Time Headlines is a Ministry that provides News and Headlines from a “Prophetic Perspective” as well as weekly podcasts to inform and equip believers of the Signs and Seasons that we are living in today.

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Conspiracy Theorists Think Alleged Trump Assassin Had Inside Information About His Location


When news broke Sunday that someone had a gun near the golf course where Donald Trump was playing in Florida, it didn’t take long for the world to discover another potential assassin was probably coming for the former president. But the conspiracy theories started almost immediately, with one idea becoming extremely popular on far-right social media sites like X. Conspiracy theorists are convinced the guy who brought an AK-style gun to the golf course must have been tipped off about Trump’s location from someone within the federal government.

“How does someone who’s from North Carolina and lives in Hawaii know where to be in Florida, at the exact location, at the exact golf course, where Trump made a last minute decision to play golf?” a right-wing influencer named Phillip Buchanan, more commonly known as Catturd, tweeted on Monday.

Buchanan is referring to the alleged attempted assassin Ryan Wesley Routh, a 58-year-old who lived in North Carolina throughout most of his life until moving to Kaaawa, Hawaii in 2018, according to the Associated Press. Routh allegedly had a gun near the golf course before he was spotted by a Secret Service agent who fired on him. There’s no indication Routh ever fired a shot at Trump, and he was apprehended later while allegedly fleeing in an SUV. Local law enforcement posted bodycam footage of the arrest on Facebook, which happened about 45 minutes after he first fled the Trump golf course.

Routh was charged Monday morning with two gun crimes, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number, according to the Washington Post. It’s unclear what he may have been charged with if he wasn’t already a felon and had allegedly scratched off the serial number. Just having a gun near a golf course isn’t necessarily a crime in Florida if you didn’t fire it.

The idea that it might be difficult for anyone to find Trump’s location is kind of funny if you think about it on just the most basic level. Trump was playing at a golf course with his name on it, Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, as he infamously does that all the time. It was also made public on Monday that Routh was in the area for about 12 hours before he was confronted by the Secret Service, according to the AP. One can deduce that Routh was staking out the place, just as the shooter in Butler, Pennsylvania, who took a shot at Trump did back in July.

Mike Adams, the founder of the fringe health site Natural News, tweeted about the conspiracy theory on Sunday as well. Adams, who has appeared on Alex Jones’ show and goes by “the Health Ranger,” even claimed to have a “source” with special knowledge of what happened.

“A source tells me the leak of Trump’s whereabouts is coming from Homeland Security, not USSS. Homeland Security is leaking location details to FBI, and FBI is running the assassins. The entire top leadership of the FBI is desperately trying to figure out how to eliminate Trump, while the loyal elements of US Secret Service are trying to stop it,” Adams wrote.

There’s a lot to unpack there, including the fact that USSS (the U.S. Secret Service) is under the umbrella of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. But it’s also interesting to see someone argue that the FBI, an agency that has literally never had a director who was anything but a registered Republican, was actually a secret left-wing organization trying to kill Trump. But Adams didn’t stop there.

“Homeland Security and US State Dept are full-on treasonous criminal ops at this point. If Homeland can’t eliminate Trump soon, State Dept will make sure a war begins with Russia. If they fail, hundreds of top people within FBI and Homeland are going to either flee the country or be criminally prosecuted under a Trump presidency. This is what’s at stake,” Adams continued.

Laura Loomer, who was recently spotted exiting Trump’s plane before the recent presidential debate in Philadelphia and attending a 9/11 memorial with the former president, also stoked the flames of conspiracy theories by heavily suggesting the potential shooter had secret information about where Trump would be on Sunday. But unlike Adams, she didn’t claim to have a source this time. Loomer frequently claims to have sources for her ridiculous claims, like when she tried to say an explosion at the U.S.-Canada border back in 2023 was actually the work of radical Islamic terrorists.

“Really makes you wonder how the shooter knew where President Trump would be!” Loomer tweeted on Sunday. But there’s no evidence Routh had any kind of inside information, no matter what people like Loomer are trying to say.


Natalie Winters, co-host of Steve Bannon’s podcast War Room, tweeted suggestively about the potential assassin as well. “How did he know Trump’s golf schedule?” Winters wrote on Sunday.

As liberal influencer Ron Filipkowski joked, he probably knew Trump’s golf schedule because, “it was a day that ends in ‘y.’” Trump is rather well known for constantly golfing. The former president does own a number of golf clubs with his name on them, after all, and frequently played golf while he was in office. In fact, he’s estimated to have played about 261 rounds of golf while president, according to the Washington Post.

Newsweek, which was a respected magazine in the 20th century before regularly platforming right-wing propaganda, helped fuel the conspiracy theories on Monday by interviewing Chris Swecker.

“The biggest question to answer is: ‘How did the would-be assassin know to be at that location at that time?’” Swecker reportedly told Newsweek. “There are only three possible answers: He guessed and got very lucky; he conducted surveillance on Trump and followed him to the golf course or he had inside information about Trump’s schedule.”

Swecker continued, “The last answer is scary and has implications that another person was involved.”

Who’s Chris Swecker? He’s the former assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division from 2004 to 2006 who has more recently turned into a talking head who frequently appears on Fox News.

It wasn’t just conspiracy theories around the potential shooter’s location that have been spreading since Sunday. Ian Carroll, a right wing influencer and conspiracy theorist, tweeted a video speculating that Routh was a “CIA asset.”

“Is this evidence the Trump assassin was a CIA asset? It’s still early, don’t jump to any conclusions. I’m just out here doing the FBIs [sic] job for them because we all know Chris Ray busy prepping the cover up as we speak,” Carroll wrote, misspelling the last name of FBI director Christopher Wray.

Conspiracy theorists always insist the CIA is somehow involved, like when they insisted the first attempted assassin was brainwashed by the CIA using techniques from MK Ultra, the notorious experiments from the 20th century. The CIA denied those rather weird allegations.

Then there were people like Matt Wallace, a right-wing personality on X who’s a big fan of posting open-ended questions that make the reader guess the significance of what he’s posting.

The implication here appears to be that Time magazine knew ahead of time that someone would try to assassinate Trump on the golf course. Or something. Shouting in all-caps that you need to “pay close attention” without actually stating what you mean explicitly, allows people to just read whatever they want into the tweet. The point of these conspiracy theories isn’t to present a logical case or a coherent overall worldview. The point is to stir the pot online and get people riled up.

That tweet from Wallace has over 8 million views at the time of this writing, likely thanks in no small part to the fact that Wallace buys “verification” on X, a service that used to be free to fight the impersonation of users. But Elon Musk started offering the blue checkmark for $8 per month, allowing the opportunity for anyone to get boosted by the X algorithm and seen by more people if they forked over some money.

Guys like Musk were particularly sensitive about the tone of the political discourse leading up to Sunday, blaming the shooting on Democrats.

“The incitement to hatred and violence against President Trump by the media and leading Democrats needs to stop,” Musk wrote while quote-tweeting Donald Trump Jr.

Musk’s pearl-clutching is particularly amusing when you remember that the billionaire openly wondered why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris hadn’t been assassinated yet. Musk deleted his tweet later on Sunday, posting a couple of tweets trying to suggest he was “joking.”

For his part, Trump himself dialed up the heated rhetoric on Monday while writing on Truth Social that “terrorists” were crossing the border illegally and that “the bullets are flying” due to “Communist Left Rhetoric.” It should be noted, of course, that the only bullets flying on Sunday were coming from a gun owned by the Secret Service and the potential assassin never got a shot off, as far as we know.

“Allowing millions of people, from places unknown, to INVADE and take over our Country, is an unpardonable sin,” Trump wrote before going into all-caps mode.


There are 50 days until Election Day.

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Federal government raises CMHC insured mortgage cap to $1.5M, expands 30-year amortizations



Key measures include raising the CMHC insured mortgage limit to $1.5 million, which will expand access for Canadians in high-priced housing markets. That’s an increase from the current insured mortgage cap of $1 million.

Additionally, the government said it is also expanding access to 30-year amortizations to all first-time homebuyers in order to help reduce monthly payments.

In April, the government announced it would allow 30-year amortization periods on insured mortgages but only for first-time homebuyers purchasing newly built homes.

“These measures are the most significant mortgage reforms in decades and part of the federal government’s plan to build nearly 4 million new homes—the most ambitious housing plan in Canadian history—to help more Canadians become homeowners,” the government said in its release.

Bruno Valko, VP of national sales for RMG, pointed out that the allowing all first-time buyers to take advantage of longer amortizations periods could make a “meaningful difference” in affordability.

Based on the current average home price of $649,100 as of August, a 30-year amortization would offer roughly $300 per month in payment relief compared to a 25-year term based on current 5-year mortgage rates, Valko told CMT.

“I think that’s a significant amount that may encourage some and better qualify others to purchase their first home,” he said. “It’s good news.”

The reforms come amid growing concerns about affordability and access to housing in major cities. By raising the insured mortgage limit and extending amortization periods, the government aims to address the growing challenges faced by both first-time buyers and those seeking to upgrade their homes in increasingly competitive markets.

“Building on our action to help you afford a downpayment, we are now making the boldest mortgages reforms in decades to unlock homeownership for younger Canadians,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland said in a statement.

The government also released its Blueprints for a Renters’ Bill of Rights and a Home Buyers’ Bill of Rights, saying it is working with provinces and territories to implement these measures it says will protect Canadians from renovictions and blind bidding, and that will standard lease agreements and increase transparency by making sales price history available through title searches.

The changes will take effect in December 2024, with further details on the implementation and transition process to follow.

Mortgage industry reaction

Lauren van den Berg, CEO of Mortgage Professionals Canada, expressed strong support for the federal government’s reforms, calling the decision to increase the insured mortgage cap to $1.5 million a “huge win for Canadians.”

“We’re also happy to see the expansion of 30-year amortizations to all first-time homebuyers and to all buyers of new builds, as well as the exemption of the stress test when switching lenders at renewal,” she said, adding that MPC had been advocating for these changes for some time.

“This milestone, achieved through our persistent advocacy, shows that housing is now truly a top priority for the government and represents a significant win for first-time buyers and the housing market as a whole,” she said. “Our mission remains steadfast: to advocate for fair, transparent, and affordable housing market for everyone.”

Jill Moellering, an Edmonton-based mortgage planner at Mortgage Architects, also welcomed the changes, saying that they open the doors to homeownership for many who were previously priced out of their markets.

She pointed out that under the new rules after December 14, buyers will be able to purchase a $1.5 million home with a $125,000 down payment, compared to the current $300,000 requirement.

“That’s still a substantial amount to save up, but the ability to get into the market much quicker, for some, decades sooner,” she told CMT. “I already have clients I know who will benefit from this.”

Moellering added that the expansion of 30-year amortizations to all first-time buyers is another major step forward, though she would have preferred to see it extended to all insured mortgages for consistency.

However, she does expect the moves will bring a surge in demand and activity in the market. “Brokers should have their phones fully charged from here on out,” she said.

While reaction has been overwhelmingly positive, some in the industry expressed concerns about the timing and impact of the changes.

Ron Butler of Butler Mortgage said it this appears to be a pre-election move by what he called a “desperate government,” comparing it to “providing a safe injection site for mortgage debt.”

He pointed out that getting a $1.4 million government-insured mortgage might still require both sets of parents to co-sign, highlighting that even with these reforms, affordability remains a major hurdle for many young buyers.

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Last modified: September 16, 2024

We Spent 7 Nights in the MSC Yacht Club – Is It Really Worth It?


While MSC Cruises may be best known for its mega-ships, many of these vessels also have a dedicated area that is only accessible to a few hundred passengers, appealing to those who want a more intimate cruise experience.

The MSC Yacht Club is MSC’s exclusive ship-within-a-ship concept that is home to upscale amenities, private areas, and a dedicated staff.

We just spent 7 nights in the Yacht Club on MSC Seashore to see if it is really worth it. Find out if you should pay to upgrade to this more all-inclusive experience for your next MSC cruise.

How Does the MSC Yacht Club Work?

Heidi and I have sailed on the largest cruise ships in the world that easily can accommodate over 5,000 guests. In fact, MSC Seashore’s max capacity approaches 5,800. Although, we have also sailed on much smaller cruise ships with only two or three hundred passengers. Of course, both of these experiences are vastly different.  

Mega-ships tend to offer a variety of themed restaurants and bars, signature entertainment, and onboard events and activities. In contrast, smaller ships offer fewer onboard amenities but boast more personalized service and greater attention to detail.

So, this is what makes the MSC Yacht Club unique. It offers the luxury of a small ship experience, while still giving its members access to the amenities and activities found on larger cruise ships. And you don’t need any special memberships or loyalty status to be “part of the club” either. All you need to do is book a cabin in the MSC Yacht Club to take advantage of all it has to offer.

Like everyone else on MSC Seashore, we had access to all of the public areas on Decks 5 through 19. These include the Jungle Pool, Long Island Pool, and adults-only Infinity Pool, all the bars and lounges, specialty restaurants, and attractions like the Pirate’s Cove Aquapark and Hall of Games.

MSC Yacht CLub

Just like everyone else, we joined in the trivia sessions and game shows. We watched the nightly productions in the theater. We enjoyed the live music in various venues around the ship and attended the signature parties.

But, we also had access to the spaces on Decks 16 through 20 forward with our Yacht Club key card. By scanning in, we could enjoy the amenities and spaces reserved just for the 250 Yacht Club guests on our sailing.

Thus, we mega-ship enthusiasts could take advantage of all the ship offered, then slip away to our secluded space in the Yacht Club. But, given everything available in the Yacht Club, you never really have to leave if you don’t want to.

Inside the Yacht Club on MSC Seashore

Guests staying in the MSC Yacht Club can access the reserved section of the ship by utilizing the forward staircase and public elevators.

PRO TIP: You can even use your MSC for Me band or keycard for priority access at these elevators.

MSC Yacht CLub

Once you’ve scanned into this keycard-access-only space, a private elevator and stairwell usher you through the four decks of the Yacht Club (Decks 16-20).

Fun Fact: There is no Deck 17 on any MSC ship, as it is an unlucky number in the Italian culture.  

The MSC Yacht Club’s layout was easy to navigate. The main entrance is on Deck 16 forward, just a few steps away from the forward elevators. Upon entering, guests are greeted by the friendly and helpful concierge team. Whether it was Aline helping us with shore excursions or Denise answering one of our many questions, this team was available 24/7 to assist with various requests.

Along with cabins, Deck 16 of the MSC Seashore Yacht Club is home to the Top Sail Lounge. This bar and lounge is open from 6 AM to 1 AM and offers handcrafted cocktails, small bites, and light evening music. There is also an outdoor sitting area at the front of the lounge above the ship’s bridge with oversized chairs and couches. This was the ideal place to enjoy the sunrise and sunset with the open-air breeze.  

MSC Yacht CLub

Deck 18 consists of more cabins and the MSC Yacht Club Restaurant. The restaurant was open every morning for a sit-down breakfast from around 7-7:30 to 9-9:30 AM. On most days of the cruise, the restaurant also served lunch, typically from 12 to 2 PM, except when docked at the cruise line’s private island of Ocean Cay. The restaurant offered dinner from 5:30 to 9 PM every night.

There were more cabins on Deck 19 along with The One Pool and Sundeck. This expansive outdoor space offered comfortable loungers, an outdoor grill, and a buffet open most of the day. There’s also a bar, two whirlpools, a central pool, and plenty of deck space to soak up the sun.  

What’s Included When Booking the MSC Yacht Club?

Beyond access to the private venues and sundeck, numerous additional perks come with booking an MSC Yacht Club suite.  

All guests in the stateroom receive the Premium Extra drink package. This package covers all drinks up to $16. It works at all the ship’s bars, lounges, and restaurants. From our experience around the ship, finding a drink not covered in the package was tough.

MSC Yacht CLub

All cruisers also receive Browse Internet for two devices. This package suits tasks such as checking email or using social media apps. For those looking for higher speeds, guests can upgrade to a Surf Internet package for about $140 a week.

Along with the drink package and internet, all MSC Yacht Club guests have access to the Aurea Spa’s Thermal Suite. This thermal suite has several experiences, like a hydro-pool, saunas, steam rooms, heated loungers, a salt room, and a snow room. There’s also a dedicated outdoor space with loungers and a whirlpool.

During our sailing, guests did not need to make reservations for the thermal suite on port days. To access the thermal suite on a sea day, guests do need a reservation. Though, the concierge team had no issues securing us a 10 AM spot for the final day of our voyage.

MSC Seashore review

Now, these onboard inclusions are just the beginning of the personalized attention all guests in the MSC Yacht Club receive.

MSC Yacht Club Experience

Priority Access

From the moment we stepped into the terminal, we knew our experience on MSC Seashore would be different. A member of the terminal staff escorted us to a Yacht Club representative, who whisked us away to a separate check-in area for MSC Yacht Club guests only.

From here, the concierge team walked us through the Yacht Club’s benefits and provided us with our key cards. It wasn’t long after when one of the butlers gathered a small group and swiftly led us to the gangway, ensuring we did not need to wait in any lines to board the ship.

We later found out that this butler, Francis, was one half of our butler team, along with his junior butler, Richard.

MSC Seashore review

Once on the ship, we were taken to our muster station. We then received priority elevator access to the Top Sail Lounge for a welcome aboard drink.

Priority embarkation and disembarkation are not just on the first and last day of the cruise though. At each port of call, butlers guide guests to the gangway. This was an excellent feature for our visit to the cruise line’s private island of Ocean Cay, as we were among the first off the ship.

Similarly, we didn’t have to worry about waking up early or lugging our bags around on disembarkation day. With MSC Yacht Club priority access, we could enjoy a sit-down breakfast before leaving the ship. With Francis leading the way, we left the Top Sail lounge, got in an elevator, and scanned off the ship in less than 10 minutes.

MSC Yacht Club guests also have a reserved section in the Madison Theater for all production shows and headliner acts. While other guests on the ship have to make reservations, Yacht Club guests can enter the theater for either showtime knowing they will always have a seat.

MSC Yacht CLub

All we had to do was flash our wristband, and we bypassed the line straight into the theater to enjoy all the nightly productions.

Personalized Service

Our butler was an invaluable resource all week. It was like having our private travel advisor alongside us during the trip. He ensured we took advantage of all the benefits and was there to help make reservations or attempt to accommodate our requests.

We had a dining package, and he ensured we got our desired restaurants and dining times. He alerted us to upcoming signature events like the exclusive Yacht Club Island Party on night 5 and the very popular high tea service on the last day of the cruise.

MSC Yacht CLub

Not to mention, he always found time to chat with us. He genuinely enjoyed his job and took the butler role very seriously. He was committed to ensuring we had a fantastic time and did not miss a thing during the cruise.

The team at the Concierge desk was equally helpful throughout the week as well.

As the week progressed, we felt like all of the crew members in the Yacht Club knew us, even if we couldn’t recall meeting them.

The Yacht Club Restaurant

Guests can enjoy a three-course dinner in the upscale Yacht Club Restaurant on Deck 18 every night during the cruise. As mentioned earlier, breakfast is served daily as well, including disembarkation morning. Lunch is available most days of the cruise too.

While we never made it to the Restaurant for lunch, we did dine at the Yacht Club Restaurant for dinner five of the seven nights.  

MSC Yacht CLub

The Restaurant has open seating every night from 5:30 to 9 PM. This means that guests do not need to make a reservation nor do they have an assigned dining time like most of the other main dining rooms on the ship. Instead, guests can dine whenever they’d like. Arriving between 6 and 6:30 PM most nights, we never had to wait for a table either. Although, the one downside was that we had four different waitstaff teams during the cruise.

Like the rest of the ship, the Restaurant’s dinner menu features daily specials and classic favorites. These menus often offered a few of the same dishes as the main dining rooms on the rest of the ship, in addition to unique upscale offerings.

For instance, on night 2 of the cruise, I carved into a delicate crab cake and succulent short ribs. The meal was topped off with a sweet, warm apple strudel.

On night 3, we dined at a specialty restaurant, The Butcher’s Cut. This is one of the best steakhouses at sea. The restaurant features perfectly seared filet mignon, equally impressive side dishes like mac and cheese, and decadent desserts.

But, I was pleasantly surprised the next night when the Yacht Club Restaurant served a seemingly identical filet as part of its Classics section of the menu.

Of course, no sailing on an MSC Cruises’ ship would be complete without Italian classics like ossobuco which was served on the final night. Guests can also enjoy the light and sweet tiramisu every night as part of the dessert menu. Don’t overlook the New York cheesecake either; it comes the closest to replicating this dense, rich dessert that we’ve found at sea.

Room Service

If that isn’t enough, guests in the MSC Yacht Club can access complimentary 24-hour room service as well. Along with breakfast and an all-day menu of sandwiches and snacks, pizza delivery is available from noon to 1 AM.

MSC Seashore review

On a couple of occasions, we couldn’t resist ordering a freshly made pizza that came right to our stateroom in only about 20 minutes. And while we’ve always given the nod to Princess or Virgin, this pizza might just steal the award for best pizza at sea!

The Yacht Club Sundeck

Guests looking for the ideal slice of Caribbean paradise don’t have to go far. The One Pool and Sundeck offer ample space with padded lounge chairs and plenty of other seating options to soak up the sun and ocean breezes.

It is also home to two whirlpools, the One Pool Buffet, and a full-service bar, serving drinks from 7 AM to 8 PM. Guests in one of the Owner’s Suites have reserved cabanas on the sundeck, while the other daybeds are available on a first come, first served basis.

For those looking for a quicker breakfast or lunch than the Yacht Club Restaurant, the One Pool Buffet serves al fresco dining every day of the cruise. Breakfast typically runs from about 7:30 to 10:30 AM. Featured selections include fresh fruit, continental pastries, and other typical breakfast items. Fresh from the grill, guests can select made-to-order omelets and other favorites like waffles and pancakes. 

For lunch, the grill offers a custom-made burger, along with daily specials like grilled shrimp, grilled fish, steamed mussels, and more. The buffet lunch featured upscale offerings like a carving station and freshly grilled or fried seafood. Lunch was served most days from about 12 to 3 PM.

There’s even afternoon snacks by the pool. These usually consisted of sweet treats and mini bites, like decadent bread pudding or small scones and cookies.

Top Sail Lounge

The Top Sail Lounge was also a go-to spot day or night on our MSC Seashore cruise. Guests could grab a morning coffee at the bar or light breakfast items from about 7 to 11 AM. During the day, guests could relax with some panoramic views and also enjoy snacks like mini sandwiches, nuts, potato chips, and more.

In the evenings, this lounge was a popular place for a pre-dinner cocktail or for enjoying some live music and sweet treats. In fact, there’s snacks available here 18 hours out of the day, and the bar here was open most days from 6 AM to 1 AM.

On the last sea day of our cruise, high tea was served from 3:30 to 4:30 PM. Make sure to arrive early though, as this is a popular event. With a wide selection of premium teas and a tower of savory and sweet snacks, this traditional white-gloved service is a throwback to the golden age of ocean liners.

The Staterooms

The MSC Yacht Club on MSC Seashore boasts five different room categories. Regardless of the stateroom category, all rooms offer a chic décor with a muted color palette and modern styling.

MSC Seashore review

Interior Suite

What’s unique to the MSC Yacht Club is that it offers an entry-level interior suite, unlike other cruise lines that provide similar ship-within-a-ship concepts. At about 229 square feet, these accommodations are 50% larger than a deluxe interior cabin on MSC Seashore.

While there are only a few, these spacious interior rooms still provide all the same perks and benefits of being in the MSC Yacht Club. Thus, these suites are a more budget-friendly entry point for couples wanting to test out the MSC Yacht Club for their next cruise.

Deluxe Suite

We stayed in cabin 18001, a Deluxe Suite on Deck 18. Our portside suite was all the way forward.  

This suite measured about 269 square feet, with a large balcony that was 86 square feet. This is about 40% larger than the deluxe balcony cabins found throughout the rest of the ship. We stayed in one on MSC Seascape a couple years ago, so we can attest that our Deluxe Suite in the Yacht Club was substantially roomier.

Our Deluxe Suite resembled the layout of a mini-suite on most cruise lines. It had a separate seating area with a pull-out sofa, coffee table, and a chair. Though, one of the nicest upgrades was the oversized bathroom and shower. The marble shower included a rainfall shower head and premium eco-friendly bath products.

As over-packers, we appreciated the multiple closets and storage space too. With three separate clothes bars, shelves, and plenty of additional storage throughout the cabin, we could certainly settle in.

Our balcony was also longer and deeper than other balconies we are accustomed to on most mega-ships. This was an ideal place to relax outside and admire the ocean views or the upcoming port of call.

In addition, all guests receive complimentary champagne on embarkation day regardless of their suite category. There’s a complimentary mini-bar and an in-room coffee maker as well.

Owner’s Suite

And for those looking for the ultimate upgrade, there are two Owner’s Suites. Measuring a whopping 1,055 square feet, these comfortable suites can sleep up to four adults. The suite features separate living and dining quarters. The oversized L-shaped sofa faces forward, offering some of the best views on the ship. Likewise, the master bedroom features a panoramic wall of windows overlooking uninhibited ocean vistas.

Owner’s Suite guests get reserved cabanas on the One Pool sundeck as well. But with a 269 square foot balcony that boasts a private whirlpool, why would anyone want to leave?

Ocean House at MSC Ocean Cay Marine Reserve

Our 7-night cruise included two days at the cruise line’s private island, Ocean Cay Marine Reserve. This Bahamian destination is home to several pristine beaches. The island also has a centralized buffet, a few bars, and food trucks. So, it is easy to find a slice of paradise on the island to call your own.

Or, if you are staying in the MSC Yacht Club, you can take private transport from the Welcome Pavilion to Ocean House. This reserved section of the island is just for guests of the Yacht Club.

Ocean House boasts a secluded beach and offers guests the same personalized service found on the ship while on the island. Ocean House has a bar, sit-down restaurant, and towel service. While on Ocean Cay, those staying in the Yacht Club can indulge in gourmet items like a lobster roll or blackened mahi-mahi while sipping cocktails from the nearby bar.

PRO TIP: The inside of the Ocean House bar is air-conditioned. So, you can take a break from the sun and enjoy a refreshing cocktail in a relaxing lounge.

Once guests are ready to leave, transports will usher you back to the Welcome Pavilion for a short walk to the ship.

Is the Yacht Club Really Worth It?

As one of the cheapest cruise lines, MSC Seashore offers a variety of stateroom categories at competitive prices.

MSC Yacht CLub

As an example, guests looking to take a similar Western Caribbean cruise next year can get an interior stateroom starting at just $1,454 for a guaranteed cabin at current pricing. For those two adults to upgrade from a deluxe interior cabin to an MSC Yacht Club interior suite would be an additional $1,200 a person, for a total of $3,854.  

For the same itinerary, a deluxe balcony cabin would cost $1,954 for the Bella experience at current pricing, and a Deluxe Suite on the same cruise is currently priced at $6,154. This is an upgrade price of $2,100 a person to go from a deluxe balcony stateroom to the MSC Yacht Club Deluxe Suite.

The added benefits of the drink package, Wi-Fi package, and unlimited access to the thermal suite alone have a retail value of somewhere around $1,000 per person. So, those looking to test out the MSC Yacht Club are paying marginally more to get superb service, private reserved dining with upgraded menus, exclusive amenities, and priority access throughout the ship. 

MSC Seashore review

Thus, the MSC Yacht Club is an excellent option for couples or families looking for a more refined and tailored cruise experience that mimics those found on luxury cruise lines at a fraction of the cost. Combining the best of mega-ship cruising and small-ship cruising, MSC’s ship-within-a-ship definitely delivers an unforgettable, mostly all-inclusive cruise experience.

Comparing the Competition

Of course, there are other cruise lines that also offer similar ship-within-a-ship experiences. Most notably, Norwegian Cruise Line features The Haven. Celebrity Cruises also has The Retreat, and Royal Caribbean has the Suite Neighborhood on select ships. So, how do these compare to the MSC Yacht Club?

While each does differ, they generally include many of the same perks and benefits, along with more personalized service. They all have exclusive sundecks, restaurants, and lounges as well.

MSC Yacht CLub

The bigger differences come with the accommodations. When comparing similar NCL cruise ships, the entry level suites are at least 50 square feet bigger than our deluxe balcony suite or at least 100 square feet bigger than the MSC interior suite. A suite in Celebrity’s Retreat is over 100 square feet bigger than our deluxe balcony suite on MSC.

Prices also differ, with an entry level balcony suite on NCL costing at least $1000 extra (usually even more). An entry level balcony suite on Celebrity will run you at least $2000 more. And the cheapest suite on Icon of the Seas with access to the suite neighborhood is $10K, or around $4,000 more. (These prices are subject to change and are based on calculations from current pricing.)

Of course, each cruise line’s style does differ as well. So, it’s really a personal preference as to which one is “better” for you. But strictly looking at prices, MSC’s Yacht Club certainly offers the most affordable entry point to this ship-within-a-ship experience.


Have you stayed in the MSC Yacht Club? Do you think these ship-within-a-ship experiences are worth it? Drop us an anchor below to share your MSC cruise reviews.

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