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Clowns With Guns: NYPD Police Officers Shoot 2 Bystanders And 1 Fellow Officer Trying To Catch $3 Subway Fare Jumper


Source: Douglas Rissing / Getty

According to NBCNewYork reports, two NYPD police officers opened fire against a man who allegedly jumped the subway turnstile to skip out on a $2.90 fare. Upon observing the man, officers followed him onto a platform and ordered him to stop and turn to face them. The unidentified 37-year-old is said to have been argumentative and threatened to kill the officers saying, “I’m going to kill you if you don’t stop following me”.

The report states that the man then entered the approaching train and was chased by the officers who attempted to taser him to no avail. Upon exiting the train while it was still in motion, the man allegedly charged at the officers with knife. In response, the officers fired multiple shots that struck both the alleged attacker and several innocent bystanders including another police officer.

The 49-year-old was hit in the head. A 26-year-old woman, another bystander, also was grazed. A police officer was wounded, too. All shots were believed to be fired by the NYPD, authorities have said.

New York Mayor Eric Adams attempted to spin the narrative about what happened on Twitter and was hit with a community note that exposed his…untruthfulness.

In addition to the fact-checking community note, an independent journalist for The City named Katie Honan posted a tweet explaining the note, “The mayor’s post is community noted because he didn’t mention every person shot on the subway — including one random straphanger in critical condition after being shot in the head — was shot by police.

The 37-year-old attacker is currently listed in critical condition.

Best Gel Moisturisers For Oily Skin & Dry Skin


Image Credit @ Camilla Akrans for Elle France

Gel moisturisers are like a halfway house between a serum and a face cream, offering the benefits of a moisturiser with the lightness of a serum. Sounds great, right? This is exactly why gel moisturisers are on the rise, especially for those with oily, combination or spot-prone skin. They’re also great pre-workout, and men tend to be a fan of these lighter hydrators, too.

What’s A Gel Moisturiser?

Gel moisturisers are different from other formulas thanks to their unique water-based texture that sinks into the skin instantly, providing hydration without feeling heavy or greasy. They are particularly beneficial for those who want to up their skin’s moisture levels without adding oiliness or causing breakouts. They can also feel soothing and calming on the skin, making them ideal for use after treatments like retinol or exfoliation.

Image Credit @ Camilla Akrans for Elle France

Key Ingredients to Look For

Hyaluronic Acid: This humectant can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water, making it a key ingredient for intense hydration.

Glycerin: This ingredient helps attract and retain moisture in the skin.

Niacinamide: In addition to hydration, niacinamide is used for its ability to improve skin barrier function and reduce inflammation.

Ceramides: These lipids help strengthen the skin barrier and lock in moisture.

Antioxidants: Look out for antioxidants like green tea extract or vitamin E protect the skin from environmental stressors.
Squalane: A lightweight oil that moisturises without clogging pores.


Top Gel Moisturisers

SUMMER FRIDAYS | Cloud Dew Oil-Free Gel Cream

This gel cream features three weights of hyaluronic acid along with ceramides and amino acids for plumper, softer skin.

TATA HARPER | Hyaluronic Gel Moisturizer

Ultra-lightweight and hydrating, this formula for oily skin features chia seed water and tremella mushroom.

BYOMA | Moisturising Gel-Cream

An affordable but effective option, this moisturiser contains a barrier-boosting Tri-Ceramide Complex, niacinamide, and green tea.

AVÈNE | Hydrance Aqua-Gel

Perfect for sensitive skin, this cream-in-gel formula uses thermal spring water to lock in moisture for up to 24 hours.

READ NEXT: Moisturisers For Sensitive Skin | My Favourite Moisturisers | The Best Serums

© Wendy Rowe. All Rights Reserved.

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What Buyers Should Know About Fixed-Rate Loans


Throughout the home buying process, there may be several mortgage-based terms mentioned that are either new or haven’t been part of a familiar conversation for quite some time. One of the most frequently discussed phrases during this time is the fixed-rate loan.

A fixed-rate mortgage is designed to provide consistency with both principal and interest over the entire life of a loan. A buyer can expect to pay the same amount each month, without concern of market conditions and other economic factors. This type of financing is also beneficial when determining and following a monthly budget. As a result, the fixed-rate loan is considered the most popular among current and prospective homebuyers navigating the market today.

Which Fixed-Rate Loan Term Is Best?

Although the monthly payment will remain consistent through the length of fixed-rate loan selected, the term will affect the actual amount. Generally speaking, a 30-year loan term will carry a higher rate compared with a shorter mortgage length; however, the amount of the loan is amortized over a longer period of time, equating to a lower payment each month. Conversely, a 15-year loan term will correlate with a higher monthly payment yet will be paid in a much shorter timeframe. Loan term also affects the total amount of interest paid. Shorter terms are deemed less risky, and as a result lenders usually charge lower interest rates in these cases, amounting to less money being paid overall. On the other hand, more funds need to be allocated to a monthly mortgage payment and can cause liquidity issues with improper budgeting.

Can I Pay More Toward My Loan Each Month?

The majority of residential home loans do not carry a pre-payment penalty and many borrowers choose to make additional payments toward their principal when cash flow allows. As a result, several years may be trimmed from the original loan term. Be sure to check these details with your Mortgage Professional when comparing the best loan option to meet your financial needs.

Is A Fixed-Rate Loan Right For Me?

As with any loan structure, there are several factors to consider before making a final decision. Potential changes to lifestyle, employment opportunities and overall time estimated to be spent in the home are a few variables that should be weighed when buying a home. Our team of Mortgage Advisors is ready to help guide you through this decision and determine the best financing scenario to achieve your homebuying or refinancing needs.

Un lettore: “Lerici Best Tourism Village, un premio che sembra immotivato” – CittaDellaSpezia


Un lettore: “Lerici Best Tourism Village, un premio che sembra immotivato”  CittaDellaSpezia

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Interview: Acting Coach Terry Knickerbocker and His Process of Coaching Actors Like Daniel Craig and Sam Rockwell


Terry Knickerbocker is one of the most sought-after acting coaches around, working with actors like Daniel Craig and Sam Rockwell to help them refine and navigate the complex characters they often play.

This is the second time I’ve talked with him and it’s always a huge treat. This time around, I asked him why some big-name actors are hesitant to admit they use a coach and how his insights and techniques help bring out the best in his clients. He also shares stories on his process of coaching different actors, the importance of tailoring his approach to their needs, and why great performances often come from collaboration.

Whether you’re an aspiring actor or just curious about what goes on behind the scenes, this conversation offers a rare glimpse into the craft of acting and the guidance that helps make it extraordinary.

I was listening to a podcast that had Sam Rockwell as the guest and he mentioned working with you. I feel like up until a few years ago, big named actors never really fessed up to having an acting coach. Am I wrong about that?

Terry Knickerbocker: I think it’s still mostly true. Most actors, I think if they’re smart, have a coach, but many of them don’t tend to publicize that as if it would make them seem weak or something. So, I think that is kind of the culture. When people get awards and thank whoever they thank, it’s rare. Although Sam thanked me when he got an Oscar, and that was nice. And Larry Moss got thanked when someone got a Tony. It happens from time to time, but usually we’re sort of secret for some reason.

I know Hugh Jackman has talked about it several times. I love it. I think it just makes them feel more real.

Terry Knickerbocker: Yeah. And especially in film and television, because there’s usually not much rehearsal time, if any. It’s very helpful to have another set of eyes helping you to put together your performance. Ultimately on the day, you’re the one who’s going to be doing it when they say action but what’s the matter with having a coach? And usually, the actor pays for it out of their pocket. I’ve never been paid by a studio, I’ve always been paid by the actor, which means, besides the 10% to their agent and the other 10% to their manager and whatever else goes to their lawyer, they’re paying me some money as part of what they do to get ready.

Are you like a doctor, on-call whenever someone needs you?

Terry Knickerbocker: Yeah, I mean, to a certain extent. I try to be loyal to my regulars… Sam and I have been working together for 35 years, so we go way back. I remember when he was working on really what was his first, I would say, important job, which was an indie film called Box of Moonlight with John Turturro. I was in Thailand on vacation, there was no cell phones. So, I was in a hotel and beeped into my answering machine in New York and heard a panicked message from him saying, “I need your help.” And I arranged through the time zone differences to call him and talk. I’ve also gotten calls from him on set when he was doing Iron Man 2. I think some scenes shifted and maybe he had a scene with Mickey Rourke, I can’t remember. So of course, those things happen, and changes happen.

There are coaches who work on set. I have a colleague, Julia Crockett, who works with a lot of actors and especially works with Sarah Paulson, and she’s on set. That’s their arrangement. I don’t go on set. I mean, I have been on set, but it’s not my usual thing. So, we like to usually just get the work done ahead of time, and then they have a kind of a blueprint for the performance. And then on the day, that’s the blueprint. Then if things change, things change. But they have a roadmap, so occasionally I’ll get a call in the middle of the night, but not too often. [laughter]

When we first talked back in, I think it was 2021, you mentioned that you had just worked with Daniel Craig for Knives Out 2 and I asked why would he need a coach on a role that he was terrific in?

Terry Knickerbocker: That was my question. I don’t know if I shared that at the time but the first conversation we had, and Daniel’s a friend of Sam’s, that’s how we made that relationship, Sam was good enough to recommend me. We’d actually met years before when he came along on a session Sam was working on with me in person. But he called me for Knives Out 2 and we’ve done three other projects since.

But I said, “I love Knives Out. Our family loves Knives Out. I don’t understand, frankly, why you’re calling me. Maybe I’m about to talk myself out of a job because I’d really enjoy working with you, but why would you need me? You figured it out.” And he said, “Well, I don’t want to repeat myself. Obviously, the character is the character, but I always want to be good, and I think you can help me with that.”

And it must’ve been useful to him because he subsequently called me to work on Macbeth on Broadway, and then this movie Queer that he did with Luca Guadagnino, which is going to premiere next month in Venice, and also Knives Out 3, which he’s currently shooting in London. So that ended up being lovely.

He doesn’t need any help from me to tell him how to do Benoit Blanc. He solved that. But we’re really digging into the moments and the arc and really working with the language. Rian Johnson, his scripts are brilliant and they’re just about perfect. But we’re working on how to just be clear on what the moments are about, what the relationships are about, where the climaxes are, and just an outside eye for how to make it super clear and super compelling and super interesting.

When you guys first start working together on a project, what are the first couple things you do? Does he come in already prepared and knowing the character and what he wants to do with it?

Terry Knickerbocker: He definitely knows the character because that’s a recurring character. But yeah, I think he comes with whatever’s most salient for him about why he thinks he needs help. So, when it was Macbeth, I think it was very much for him about, he had an idea about the sexual nature of Macbeth’s relationship with Lady Macbeth. And he wanted it to be really juicy and have that permeate the perfume and the sort of animal thing that is connected to his ambition and is somehow consummated in their physicality together. He wanted to see if that idea could actually be mapped out from start to finish in all the scenes, not just with her, but with Duncan and Benoit and all the other major characters.

I’ll just say one other thing, I have to figure out the language that works for them. Like Sam happens to have studied with the man who was my teacher and mentor, William Esper. That’s where we met. And William Esper was a protege and a student of Sanford Meisner, you’ve probably heard of the Meisner Technique. So that’s the lineage I’m part of. Sam speaks that language, and so we can use all the inside baseball terminology, like particularizations. So, we say, what’s the particularization, how do you particularize that? Or what’s my emotional preparation for this scene? Or what’s an action that I can do? Whereas a lot of actors just think about objectives and don’t think about actions.

I work with Natasha Lyonne, who’s basically untrained. And I can’t go, “Okay, now we’re going to do Meisner work.” That’s my secret navigating compass but I’m not necessarily making them into Meisner actors. I’m finding the language that works. With Natasha, it’s a lot about associations to other actors in other projects. Like I might say, “Oh, this is like John Cazale in Deer Hunter, and that’ll ring a bell for her.

So, I have to find what’s the thing that is their process rather than making them do my process. And that’s interesting.

How long does it usually take you guys to finish? And when do you know it’s done?

Terry Knickerbocker: I really respect Daniel and I really respect Sam Rockwell a lot. I respect a most of the of actors that I work with. Some of the actors I work with are a little more… A little more scrambled with their time management and so sometimes we don’t always get the work done, and it always feels sort of a day late and a dollar short. Daniel and Sam make the time to work on it until it feels done. We typically work an hour and a half to two-hour sessions, and I think the work on Knives Out happened over a month. We might have two of those a week.

With Sam on American Buffalo on Broadway, we worked on that twice because it was supposed to open the March that COVID hit New York, and then it got postponed for two years, and then it got restarted again. We worked on that for a couple months. He’s doing a movie right now with Gore Verbinski and Juno Temple and a bunch of other really great actors out in South Africa that’s just about wrapping that he’s been working on for about three months. We started working on that October of last year until February of this year, on and off. But we might go through the script twice.

I remember with Knives Out 2, we got through the whole script. We sort of work usually sequentially just to get the story arc correct, even though that’s not how they shoot, they always shoot out a sequence, just to get the story arc correct. And then he said, “I want to go back and work on some of these speeches.” We did the same thing with Queer, which is a big movie written by Justin Kuritzkes who wrote Challengers. There’s a lot of action and then there were these longer speeches that Daniel wanted to work on because they were kind of complicated.

So, it’s wherever the actor is feeling it needs a little bit more love, a little bit more attention. The goal is to make them feel that they’re ready and that they have a solid roadmap of what they’re doing in every moment and what all their relationships are about, so that when they get to set on any given day, they have a plan, which if it were a play, would’ve come out of rehearsal.

How detailed is it? Are you guys going line by line sometimes?

Terry Knickerbocker: 1000%, because you need to know what you’re going to do with every line.

Now, it depends on the timeframe, and it depends if it’s film or television. Television works at a different schedule than film. When I worked with Emmy Rossum on Shameless, we did nine seasons. Obviously, she wasn’t the only character, but she was one of the primary characters. She and Bill Macy were the main characters in that show for nine seasons and her role as Fiona grew and they were doing basically an episode a week. And so, we would do all her scenes in about an hour and a half once a week and rough it out, but not get too caught in the details. If that had been a film, we might have spent three times as long on those scenes.

Have you ever worked with an actor who has an idea of the character, and you just think it’s completely wrong?

Terry Knickerbocker: You know, at the end of the day, they’re hiring me. But they’re also hiring my point of view and my expertise. So often it’s not necessarily about a character, but it might be about an approach to a scene or about the vibe of a scene. And it is all a conversation. I’m not the director, so I don’t get to tell them what to do, and even directors shouldn’t really be telling actors what to do. You hired me, so let’s collaborate together and let’s find a point of meeting. But that’s what happens with actors and directors.

But when it comes to me, I’m not the boss. They’re the client. I can offer what I think, I can make arguments for it in ways that where we’re trying to get on the same page, but I will support what they need, what they want to do. And at the end of the day, we may have to agree to disagree, but I would say usually they’re cooperative because I’m pretty good at script analysis.

I want to ask you about your studio, are you still doing both in person and online classes?

Terry Knickerbocker: We’re not doing too many online classes, but we may bring those back because it may be that for some people, that’s what’s useful if they can’t get to New York. During the pandemic from March of 2020 until summer of 2021, we were exclusively online. And then in the fall of ’21, I think, we came back and in person but with masks for a year. And that was a bit strange.

We have a great voiceover teacher named Andy Roth who used to go to a studio with people and then when COVID hit, he kind of went, “Oh, I can actually teach this much better online and the results are better.” But for the most part, we’re just in person. It works better in person. Things like kissing and dancing are a little bit hard to do online.

I do a lot of coaching online. So that’s very doable. There are some people I’ve coached for years I’ve never met in person.

For more information on Terry Knickerbocker and his studio, click here.

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How a Reverse Mortgage Can Enhance Retirees’ Lifestyles


Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of one’s labor, but financial constraints can sometimes limit the ability to fully embrace this phase of life. For many retirees, a reverse mortgage can be a valuable tool to enhance their lifestyle by providing additional financial resources. In this blog, we’ll explore how a reverse mortgage can improve retirees’ quality of life and explain how this financial product works.

Understanding Reverse Mortgages

A reverse mortgage is a type of loan available to homeowners aged 62 and older, allowing them to convert part of their home equity into cash. Unlike a traditional mortgage, where the homeowner makes monthly payments to the lender, a reverse mortgage pays the homeowner. The loan is repaid when the homeowner sells the home, moves out permanently, or passes away12.

There are several ways to receive the proceeds from a reverse mortgage:

  1. Lump Sum: A one-time payment.
  2. Monthly Payments: Regular payments over a specified period or for as long as the homeowner lives in the home.
  3. Line of Credit: Funds can be drawn as needed, providing flexibility.
  4. Combination: A mix of the above options12.

Benefits of a Reverse Mortgage

  1. Supplementing Retirement Income: One of the primary benefits of a reverse mortgage is the ability to supplement retirement income. Many retirees find that their savings, pensions, and Social Security benefits are not enough to cover all their expenses. A reverse mortgage can provide a steady stream of income, helping to cover daily living expenses, medical bills, and other costs34.
  2. Staying in Your Home: For many retirees, the idea of moving out of their long-time home is unappealing. A reverse mortgage allows homeowners to stay in their homes while accessing the equity they’ve built up over the years. This can be particularly beneficial for those who have strong ties to their community and do not want to relocate35.
  3. No Monthly Mortgage Payments: With a reverse mortgage, homeowners are not required to make monthly mortgage payments. This can significantly reduce financial stress and free up funds for other uses. However, homeowners must continue to pay property taxes, homeowners insurance, and maintenance costs12.
  4. Tax-Free Income: The proceeds from a reverse mortgage are considered loan advances and not income, so they are generally not subject to income tax. This can be advantageous for retirees who want to avoid increasing their taxable income34.
  5. Flexibility in How Funds Are Used: The funds from a reverse mortgage can be used for any purpose. Whether it’s paying off existing debts, making home improvements, covering healthcare costs, or even taking a dream vacation, retirees have the flexibility to use the money as they see fit12.

How Reverse Mortgages Work

To qualify for a reverse mortgage, homeowners must meet certain criteria:

  • Age Requirement: The homeowner must be at least 62 years old.
  • Primary Residence: The home must be the homeowner’s primary residence.
  • Home Equity: The homeowner must have significant equity in the home, typically at least 50%12.

The process of obtaining a reverse mortgage involves several steps:

  1. Counseling: Homeowners are required to undergo counseling with a HUD-approved counselor to ensure they understand the terms and implications of the loan.
  2. Application: The homeowner applies for the reverse mortgage through a lender.
  3. Appraisal: The home is appraised to determine its value.
  4. Approval: The lender reviews the application and appraisal, and if approved, the loan is funded12.

Costs and Considerations

While reverse mortgages offer many benefits, there are also costs and considerations to keep in mind:

  • Upfront Costs: Reverse mortgages come with upfront costs, including origination fees, mortgage insurance premiums, and closing costs. These cost are rolled into the loan and paid at time of closing.
  • Interest and Fees: Interest and fees accrue over the life of the loan, which can reduce the amount of equity left in the home.
  • Impact on Inheritance: Since the loan must be repaid when the homeowner dies or sells the home, there may be less equity left for heirs. 

Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You?

A reverse mortgage can be a powerful tool for enhancing retirees’ lifestyles, but it’s not suitable for everyone. Here are some factors to consider when deciding if a reverse mortgage is right for you:

  • Long-Term Plans: If you plan to stay in your home for the long term, a reverse mortgage can provide financial stability. However, if you anticipate moving in the near future, it may not be the best option.
  • Financial Situation: Consider your overall financial situation, including other sources of income, savings, and debts. A reverse mortgage can be a valuable supplement, but it’s important to have a comprehensive financial plan. Contact one of Luminate Home Loans Reverse Mortgage Specialist to get a comprehensive analysis.


A reverse mortgage can significantly enhance retirees’ lifestyles by providing additional financial resources, allowing them to stay in their homes, and reducing financial stress. However, it’s essential to understand how reverse mortgages work, the associated costs, and the potential impact on inheritance and government benefits. By carefully considering these factors and seeking professional advice, retirees can make informed decisions that support their financial well-being and overall quality of life.

If you’re considering a reverse mortgage, take the time to explore your options, consult with a HUD-approved counselor, and discuss your plans with family members. With the right approach, a reverse mortgage can be a valuable tool for enjoying a more comfortable and fulfilling retirement.

I hope this blog provides a comprehensive overview of how a reverse mortgage can help retirees enhance their lifestyle and the key considerations involved. If you have any specific questions or need further details, feel free to ask! 

Japan Develops High-Energy, Sustainable Manganese-Based EV Battery


Japanese researchers at Yokohama National University (YNU) developed a breakthrough manganese-based battery for electric vehicles (EVs), achieving an energy density of 820 watt-hours per kilogram (Wh/kg). This surpasses the performance of current nickel and cobalt (NiCo) batteries, which reach 750 Wh/kg, while lithium-based batteries deliver only 500 Wh/kg.

The team’s work offers a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative to NiCo batteries, whose scarcity and high cost pose challenges as EV adoption grows globally.

The researchers focused on using manganese in the battery anode, specifically employing LiMnO2 (lithium manganese dioxide) as the material. Traditional challenges with manganese, such as poor electrode performance and voltage decay, were mitigated by utilizing a monoclinic system, a specific crystalline structure.

This system facilitates a phase transition to a spinel-like phase, significantly improving battery performance. By synthesizing nanostructured LiMnO2 with a high surface area, the team achieved large reversible capacity and excellent charge rate capability, making it suitable for EV applications.

One major advancement is the absence of voltage decay in this manganese-based battery, a problem that previously affected performance in earlier manganese applications. While the possibility of manganese dissolution remains, the researchers aim to address this with a highly concentrated electrolyte solution and lithium phosphate coating.

This innovation provides a competitive and environmentally friendly alternative to existing EV battery technologies. The simplicity and low cost of the synthesis method further enhance its potential for commercialization. The findings, published in ACS Central Science, highlight the team’s contribution to advancing sustainable EV battery technology with promising implications for the future of electric mobility.

Filed in Transportation. Read more about Battery, Electric Cars and Japan.

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Al Victoria la mostra “Paparazzi al cinema: l'anima nascosta delle stars” – ModenaToday


Al Victoria la mostra “Paparazzi al cinema: l’anima nascosta delle stars”  ModenaToday

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my coworker is dating a convicted pedophile — Ask a Manager


A reader writes:

I’m in a weird situation with a few coworkers, and don’t know what to do.

My desk mate, Beth, is roommates with a coworker, Sally. Sally works in our department, but her office is in a different part of the building.

Sally recently started dating someone and confided in Beth that boyfriend, Jerry, is a convicted pedophile.

Sally’s mom, Kathy, also works in our department, in the same office as Beth and I are in.

We are sure that Kathy does not know this information, as she is friendly with Jerry and has a young tween daughter, Lucy, who is allowed to spend time at the apartment with Sally and Jerry.

Morally, I feel obligated to tell Kathy about Jerry’s conviction, but I don’t want the fallout to affect the workplace. I considered texting a screenshot of his public record to Kathy from a fake phone number. Beth doesn’t want me to — she is concerned that Sally will think she’s behind it because she hasn’t told anyone else, which will cause a blow-up for her, both at work and at home.

What would you suggest to protect the child, while also avoiding as much workplace drama as possible?

Since Sally shared Jerry’s history with Beth, why hasn’t Beth said to her, “Hey, I really think you need to tell your mom since he’s around your sister”?

And if that doesn’t change anything: “I’m not comfortable keeping this from your mom when she has a kid at home. I’d prefer you share it with her yourself, but otherwise I need to tell her.” (Or she could skip the warning and just tell Kathy what she needs to know.)

If Beth isn’t willing to do that, you could use a similar framing with Beth yourself: “I understand you’re worried about Sally being upset and blaming you, but we’re talking about a kid’s safety. I’m not comfortable keeping this from Kathy, knowing she’s allowing him around Lucy.”

And then tell Kathy what you know, and let her know she can confirm it in public records herself.

If Sally chooses to respond to that with drama … well, so be it. That worry can’t trump the risk of a kid getting abused.

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A Field Trip to Japan’s Earthquake Preparedness Store


Many countries that possess seismically active areas have some regions that are more prepared for earthquakes than others, such as San Francisco being far more earthquake-conscious than Miami in the USA.  However, as a country that basically is one entire large quake zone and prepares/builds accordingly, it’s hard to beat Japan.  

While it might sound like I’m writing this article about the New Year’s Day Noto Peninsula earthquake, I had actually already started to work on it before the quake.  In fact, I’m really surprised at how much damage there was because Japan is essentially the gold standard for seismic construction and personal preparedness and behavior.  It still fared quite a bit better than many other countries have in comparable or smaller quakes, presumably because they take quake preparation so seriously at every level.  At any rate, while this article is not about the recent earthquake there, I do send my best thoughts to people there including my friends and their families.

(Click to enlarge). You can’t see it, but Matt’s eyes are

wide open and his jaw is on the floor. Shoppers probably 

assumed he was an artificial garden gnome statuette

that had been misplaced in the wrong section.

I try to remain pretty up-to-date on what kinds of quake preparation devices are out there, at least that I know how to purchase.  I keep running into impressive surprises though and they almost always are from Japan (such as the Murakoshi cabinet latch, and the ceiling bracing stilts for tops of tall furniture, about which I’ve written in previous articles).  Thus, when my wife and I took a trip to Tokyo earlier this year, I made it a point to visit the massive Tokyu* Hands store in Shinjuku to see their earthquake preparedness section (*not a typo; there are several of these stores in Tokyo but this is the one with the impressive earthquake section about which I was tipped off by a friend).  If you want to read about Hands, here’s a cute description of them at Buzzfeed, including the description that “It shares Hobby Lobby’s love of crafts, Walmart’s size, and Amazon’s broad selection of both the normal and the weird. Then it takes it all up 10 notches.”

(Click to enlarge).  Bracing rods and shim strips.

I was initially a bit disappointed at how small the section was (just a couple of short aisles) but then I realized that they didn’t have very much of any one product out on the shelf, so that small area actually contained many different kinds of products.  Looking over the available products, I saw several versions of things we can get in the US from companies like Ready America (a.k.a. Quakehold).  I saw some clever variations on what I’m used to seeing; for example, I have long used small plastic shims (that is, wedges) under objects that might be otherwise unstable but are hard to appropriately brace, such as floor lamps, and even under a box of emergency supplies to stop it from sliding in a closet to block its own door.  Here, they mean business; they had long shim strips that would stretch across the entire front edge of a wardrobe or bookcase.  I was also delighted to see a whole array of the very wardrobe bracing rods that I had purchased from Japan to brace my massive wardrobe to the ceiling, about which I had written before.

(Click to enlarge). 

I decided to purchase three products to play around with them at home.  The first one was grippy blocks to be placed under flat objects.  “YAWN” you say, “big deal, you’ve written about Gripeez lots of times for sticking down small light things, so what’s new?”  Well, the strongest of these products there advertises that it braces 100 kg!  (That’s 220 lb, for us Yanks.)  Check out the photos, including the Google Translate “Lens” screenshot showing what is says in English (for us Yanks).  (Got to take those Google Translate Lens shots with a grain of salt though; on the same trip, it translated the plaque near a statue of a famous person to say his name was “Fast Food.”)  I got one and plan to use it to brace something when the need arises.  As the diagrams suggest, this product is for large flat-bottom furniture on smooth hard floors (although Google Translate Lens initially suggested that this product was intended to stick down bicycles).  Never try using grippy pads of any strength to attach things to vertical surfaces like walls.

What I wonder about is how easy it is to move the furniture again after it’s stuck down.  Many of us have found that if you use too much quake putty on a large flat bottom item so it spreads out at too large of a diameter, it can be extremely difficult to remove the object afterward.  Google Translate Lens says that the back of the product mentions that if it is difficult to remove afterward, slowly peel it off from one side to another, but what if your cabinet that’s already 220 lb is stuck to the floor?  It also says that if the item is hard to remove, use fishing line wetted with water or neutral detergent and slowly move it back and forth between the pad and the surface.  I’m worried…  

(The year is 2358, at the world-famous art museum in massive downtown Bakersfield: “Why is this vintage 21st Century wardrobe on display between the Mona Lisa and Clarke’s famous holopainting of Dame Taylor Swift?” “It’s because someone in 2024 used too many Japanese grippy squares to stick down their wardrobe in a house that used to be on this site, and since they could never remove it, they just built the museum around it.”)

Another interesting product I wanted to get and play with was a refrigerator “seismic isolation” disk; in plain English, a grippy saucer that prevents the fridge from moving.  This is a complicated issue.  Refrigerators have several special challenges for quake safety: first, the doors can swing open causing the contents to scatter.  There are braces that swing into place to prevent full-width doors from opening and have to be manually moved out of the way each time the door is open.  I have had “French Door” fridge/freezer units for a long time and have less concern about those doors, since they are not as wide and don’t have as large of a lever arm (go check your old Physics textbook for that one). Second, they can tip over.  There are braces for fridges to attach them to the wall like other tall furniture, but they are frequently in pretty tight frames in modern kitchens that don’t really give the top enough room to tip over.  The thing that bedevils people still is when they roll out of their cubbyholes, and I THINK that is what these disks are supposed to prevent. 

(Click to enlarge). 

These disks are basically metal saucers with a grippy outer ring on the floor side, and a grippy inner plug for the fridge side.  I’m a bit confused by the diagrams.  If the fridge has only wheels, then I can see tipping it up and placing the front wheels on the grippy saucers, which come in pairs. However, my fridge has adjustable leveling feet in front of each front wheel, and it appears in the diagram that it’s the leveling feet that go on the grippy saucer.  However, I would have thought that simply by leveling those feet so that they are on the floor and taking the main weight of the fridge rather than the wheels taking the weight, the fridge would not be able to roll.  Unlike my previous refrigerator, which I could easily roll out to retrieve things that fell behind it, the current one does not roll, so I’m not sure I need these saucers and probably won’t use them.  (That’s the cue for my various quake expert colleagues to pile on and correct me… I’ll update this article should that happen.)

Lastly, longtime readers of this blog know that I’m really interested in quakeproof cabinet latches, so when I saw a new cabinet latch I hadn’t seen before, I had to get it.  I tend to not like motion-activated latching mechanisms where something has to fall into place during an earthquake to prevent the cabinet from opening; I’ve seen that kind of latch fail many times.  The ones I’ve liked have been push latches (touch latches), and the relatively recent Murakoshi latch (yep, from Japan) in which a small pendulum inside the mechanism needs to be perfectly straight for the latch to open; in other words, motion-DEactivated unlatching.  Well, here was another motion-activated latch but instead of something having to fall in place, the slight motion in the outward direction makes a spring-loaded latch shoot down instantly, very effective.  
(Click to enlarge). (Warning: reading the instructions can cause seizures)

Things to like about this latch: from my limited playing around with it, it seems like the mechanism will be very effective and reliable.  Unlike any of the others I’ve tried, there’s no drilling or screws; it’s all done with wide pieces of adhesive tape (good if you never plan to remove the latch, bad if you want flexibility to put it elsewhere.)  With the supplied templates for installation, it seems like there’s no guessing as to position.  And, there’s a nifty extra arm that swings into place after it activates that will push the catch part back up out of the way the next time you push the door into place, restoring the ability to open the door.

(Click to enlarge).  Stepped cabinet frames present
challenges for many types of latches.

Things to not like: As mentioned, it can’t be repositioned or reused unless relying on different adhesive if you trust it. The thing that worries me, though, is that if you have a cabinet in which there’s a little step, as shown in this figure lifted from my earlier articles about latches, you still have to either build up extra material to fill in the step, or, you might be able to put this latch’s main part further back behind the step (see figure at right). However, if the latch is too far back away from the cabinet door, then even though it will still activate and stop the door from opening, it looks like pushing the door closed won’t push the moving catch back up because that little nifty swinging arm I mentioned won’t reach it.  It’s hard to describe, but I’d be worried that a door with such a recessed latch could be permanently latched after a quake.  Also, just like the other latches, they won’t work on cabinets in which the ceiling of the cabinet is much higher than the top of the frame, which is common in lower cabinets.

Ok, the fatal flaw in this article is that while I’ve seen various references to the ability to purchase from Hands online, I’ve been unable to find a way to do it.  The online store exists but currently has a note saying that overseas delivery is not available.  The Buzzfeed article that I mentioned earlier says that there’s a company that purchases from Hands and then sends to people overseas but the link doesn’t appear to work. I had managed to purchase the wardrobe bracing rods via Rakuten online, but that site appears to be gone.  But these products are out there, hopefully available somewhere in the global online economy; and if you happen to be around Shinjuku, go check it out.  (Omitting my typical more lighthearted endings out of respect for the current quake recovery effort in Japan.)

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